Chapter 11: One Week done.

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The week went by in the blink of an eye. Honestly, Hogwarts is amazing. The classes are great and all the teachers seem nice. Well, Professor Snape seems like an ass to everyone except the slytherins and me. Which is weird. Infact all the teachers seem oddly nice to me. I don't know if I like it or not.
I haven't really had the opportunity to see Draco. I mean we pass in the hallway and say hi. I have had a couple of small conversations with him before breakfast, before I get dragged away that is. I think all my friends are scared of him. Heck I think most people are. But I still don't understand why.

Anyway. I arrive back to my personal dorm at the end of the day. I walk into my room to see a big eagle owl sitting happily next to Golden-oak. The strange owl hoots and lands on my shoulder with a green envelope in its grasp. I open it up to see a small note.

Walk down to the dungeons, walk through the last hallway on your left. You will be lead to the cellar. I will be waiting to let you in.
- D.M

I smile and change into some comfy clothes, (Charlie's old tea shirt and pants). I sent the owl back with a small note that read. I'm coming.

I crept down the stairs and into the common room. It was empty. It's good that hufflepuffs really like to relax. It means that the common room is often empty. I sneak out and start walking down the halls. I hear foot steps above me, probably from some gryffindors who thinks it's a good idea sneak out. But then again that's exactly what I'm doing.
As I walk down the corridor I hear a faint meow of a cat. I turn to see the care takers cat. Miss Noris I think her name is. She walks over to me and I crouch down. As she gets closer I put my hand out.
"Your a nice kitty aren't you?" I say softly as the cat sniffs my hand. After thinking for a few seconds the cat rubs its face against my hand. I start to pet the cat slowly. I hear very faint purrs coming from the cat as I scratch behind its ears.
"What the devil are you doing?" I hear an old crackly voice say. I look up to see Mr. Finch looking at me with fire in his eyes. I quickly stand up.
"Nothing sir. I was just stroking your cat." I say looking at the man. He looks like he's about to yell at me. He try's to take a step forward but as he moves we hear a hiss. We both look down to see Miss Noris standing in front of me, staring down Mr Finch.
"What's wrong sweet heart?" He says to his cat. The cat meows before rubbing against my legs fondly. He looks at me confused.
"She seems to like you. Why?" He asks.
"I don't know sir." I reply.
"What's your name?" He asks in a slightly kind tone.
"(Y/n), (Y/N) South-Star." I answer.
I see the corners of his mouth twist into a small smile.
"I remember that name. Haven't heard it for so long. What are you doing out of your room?" He asks with a small smile and a kind tone to his voice.
"I'm going to go see some of my friends. There in another house." I say simply. He nods before turning around and starts walking away.
"Wait. Your not gonna give me detention for being out of bed?" I ask. He turns back to me with a smile on his face. "Why would I. I didn't see anything." He says turning back around and walking away. Miss Noris meows before following Mr Finch.
I stand still bewildered for a few seconds before getting back to the task at hand. Getting to the slytherin common room.

A/n- a short chapter but hopefully a good on. I really like this chapter tbh. I have spent quite a while thinking of how to word it and make it perfect and this is the out come and I really like it. So I hope you did to. Please vote for this chapter so I know you liked it and want more. Also comment any ideas or suggestions for what could happen next. Thanks for reading. Bye!💕

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