Chapter 27: Holiday Surprises

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I suddenly land in the giant mouth like fireplace of Dracos home. He's holding me tightly around the waist as we appear. We walk out to of the fireplace and into the hallway, towards the main room.

"Mother?" Draco calls as we walk into the room. And there she comes from the top of the stairs, Narcissa. Lucius is gone. Probably to his office which, from what Draco says, he spends most of his time in.

Narcissa gives a warm smile.

"Hello (Y/N) dear. It's so wonderful to see you again." she says approaching me.

"Lovely to be here again." i smile back as Draco squeezes my hand tightly.

"Draco dear. Would you go put (Y/N)s stuff in your room, and tell the house elves that they will be providing for four tonight. And while you're there, pick me up a coffee." Narcissa asks Draco. He nods, gives my hand another squeeze before leaving the room with my backpack.

"Draco wouldn't stop talking about how much he wanted to see you while we were away. I offered that we send him to stay with you, but he informed me that wouldn't be a good idea. Is there anything bad going on at home?" Narcissa turns very firm and motherly when asking that question.

"No. Not at all. Home is amazing and so much fun. But..." i drop off not wanting to sound rude.

"But? Please tell me. I really do want to help you in any way possible. Your basically family now." She insists.

"My, uh, Family. They uhhh. Don't really approve of, yours." i answer sheepishly.

"I don't think that. I think you are all so sweet and incredibly nice but, There's no way to change there mind. I'm Sorry." i finish off saying Narcissa's face turn slightly sour in expression before taking a deep breath and smiling.

"It's alright. I know that certain people don't. Approve of our family. However, it is good to know that you are kind enough to look past your families, views. And let your heart follow what it wants." she says all this with a slight drop in her smile. It must be hard knowing that there are many people out there that don't trust you from all the rumors and talk of past 'situations' spread about you. I just give her a smile as Draco enters the room with a fancy, goblet like mug in his hand. He hands it over to Narcissa. She gives a small smile as she takes the drink from him.

"Now. i'll let you two be, and go have fun. But, I will have you know, that we have thin walls. And i will be checking in on you randomly, every few hours. Or whenever i please. And i will do so both Before and After dinner." she says giving us a playful glare before walking back up the stairs.

Draco lets out a small chuckle as he leads me to his room. We walk in and i immediately run and flop on the huge bed.

"You comfortable there?" he asks with a laugh. I turn over so that i'm facing the ceiling.

"I'd be more comfortable with you joining me." i retort with a playful giggle. He shakes his head before walking over and sitting, cross legged, at the end of the bed. Draco carefully lifts up my head and places it on his lap. I smile up at his upside down face as he pulls the funnest faces at me while running his hands through my hair.

"So, how was your trip?" i ask once i've finished laughing at his cute stupidity.

"It was. Meh." he says with a disappointed look on his face.

"But. i did bring you some australian wizard gifts. Want them now or later?" he asks with an arched eyebrow. I immediately sit up, facing him with an eager eye. My long brown hair falling all over my face.

"Now." i answer as Draco chuckles and gets up to his closet and pulls out a barley closed, obviously overful backpack. He walks back over to me and sits the giant bag in front of me.

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