Chapter 15: Birthday!

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So everyone (including Draco) has gone home for Christmas except me. I'm staying alone in the Hufflepuff common room. Hufflepuffs are very family oriented so they have all gone home. Meanwhile I'm stuck here for not only Christmas but my birthday. Which is today. It's December 24th. I'm currently sitting in my room getting ready to head to the gryffindor common room. That's where I have been spending most of my time this holiday. In there it's basically my family and Harry, but as far as he's aware I'm just staying with them because we are friends. He still has no idea that they are all my brothers.
I put on my favourite sweater (the one Mum made Charlie a few years ago. So it's red with a big gold C on it) it's very oversized and dress like on me. I put a pare of leggings on with my slippers. I put my brown hair up in a messy bun before walking out into the common room, locking my room behind me.
I leave the common room and walk past the great hall. I'm very early so no one is in there yet.
I walk my way along the halls till I finally get to the gryffindor common room. I stop outside and see the fat lady painting sleeping.
"Excuse me." I say quietly. The fat lady opens her eyes a little then jumps as she notices me standing there.
"Oh. My dear. You startled me." She says.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. Can I go in?" I ask hoping I'm not asked for the password. I can't remember it for the life of me.
"What's your last name?" She asks. This takes me by surprise.
"South-Star. Why?" I ask confused.
"Just making sure it's really you. Not some imposter." She smiles before opening up. I smile back still confused. What is up with my birth family? I have no idea. But anyway. I walk into the common room to see Fred and George sitting on the couch talking. As the painting closes behind me they turn there heads and massive smiles grows on there faces.
"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!!!!!!!!" The shout loud enough to wake up the whole of gryffindor. They both run up to me and smother me with massive bear hugs. I laugh at there silly ness.
After about 30 seconds I hear foot steps coming down the stares. As the boys let go I see Ronald and Harry standing by the stares. Ron runs up to me like a child and hugs me. "Happy birthday!" He screams in my ear while hugging me.
"Seriously Ronald. You had to do that." I say pulling away and rubbing my ear.
"Yes. I did." He says with a dumb smile. I smile back while rolling my eyes. The twins started picking on Ron a little and I stepped back to not get caught in the middle like normal.
"I didn't know it was your birthday." Says Harry as he walks up to me.
"Don't worry. I didn't expect you to know anyway. I don't tell many people." I say smiling at him.
"Then how do Ron and the twins all know?" He says.
"Because......... ummmm." I say not knowing what to say.
"What's going on here?" Percy says walking down the stairs.
"They started it." Ron says getting out of the twins grip. Percy just raises an eyebrow as he looks at the 3 of them. He turns his head and spots me.
"Happy birthday (Y/N). Still wearing Charlie's old clothes I see." He says walking up to me and giving me a quick hug.
"You know I always will" I say with a sad smirk.
"I know you wish he was here. But I'm sure he'll write to you. You're his favourite sibling after all" he says with mother hug.
"Ya. I hope so." I say with a slight smile.
"Wait. Sibling?" Harry says with a great level of confusion.
"Ya. Have you not worked out by now that we are the adopted family." Fred says.
"Geez you're thick harry." George ends with a laugh.
"Seriously?" Harry says looking at me.
"Yes. But you tell anyone and you're dead. Is that understood Potter?" I say coldly while giving Harry a death glair. He nods his head with fear in his eyes. "Got it." He answers timidly. I smile at him and his fear seems to fade.
"Bloody hell you sounding like a Slytherin just then. Reminded me of Malfoy." Ron says shuddering. Everyone laughs and I awkwardly join in.
"Anyway. I should leave you all to get ready. I'll meet you in the great hall. Okay?" I say cherpy again. I hear a bunch of 'yups' and 'okays' as I walk out and head to the great hall.

I sit and wait in the great hall for about 5 mins before the boys walk in. Ron has a box in his hands. The twins are both carrying bags and Percy is struggling to carry a massive cardboard box. I look at them in confusion as they all sit at the 'hufflepuff' table with me.
"Happy birthday. We decided to bring our gifts down. It's easier for you to take them back to you dorm." Percy says. It was clearly his idea. I smile at him.
"Open mine first." Ron says placing it on the table in front of me.
"Okay." I say laughing at how much of a child he is. I quickly tear open the news paper wrapping to see an old looking book. The title of the book is "murder on the orient express." By Agatha Christie. I look at it quizzically.
"Hermione suggested it. It's an old muggle book. I though you might enjoy it." He says with hope.
"It looks interesting. I'll definitely make sure to read it. Thank you" I say smiling at him. He smiles back, Happy that I don't hate it.
"Us next!" Fred and George say at the same time. Again. They put down there identical paper bags. I look at the confused. I open George's first. Inside is a new ink pot and quill. I look at him quizzically. It's not a very George thing to get me something normal. I move to Fred's bag and open it up to see a very old looking book. It has a blue dusty cover with gold trim. I open it to see black pages. I look at them both.
"Explain." I say simply.
"The book is just a nice old looking book. But the ink and quill are special." George says.
"The ink is erasable and the quill changes the colour of any ink depending on your mood." Fred finishes.
"Wow. That's so cool. Thank you" I say smiling at the two of them.
"You're welcome." They reply.
"And now it's my turn. I think your gonna like this." Percy says placing the massive package in front of me, as he stands next to me. I stand up so I can get to the top. It's just a plain cardboard box. I open it up and look inside to see a bunch of clothes. I pick up the first thing I see. It's a big, oversized denim jacket. As I breathe through my nose, the smell hits me. I pull the jacket to my face and take in a big sniff before starting to cry. It's Charlie's. Or at least. It smells like Charlie. I quickly put it on and start looking though the rest of the box. It's full of Charlie's clothes and things. Including his old dragon soft toy. I sit down holding the dragon close as tears stream down my face. I turn to Percy and he hugs me. My tears staining his clothes. After calming down a pull away.
"Thank you. These are amazing." I say holding the toy close to my chest.
"Mum found them in the attic. She was gonna throw them out but. I knew how much you'd love them." He says smiling.
"I do. Thank you so much." I say giving him another quick hug.
"Anyway. We should have breakfast." I say sitting down. Putting all my presents aside.
After eating for around 15 mins an all too familiar owl flies in and lands right in front of me. In its claws is a little green package with a silver bow and a small note. I take the package and give the owl a blueberry. It hoots happily and flies off.
"What the hell was that?" Ron says looking at me.
"An owl." I say looking at him.
"Who's owl?" He asks.
"Does it matter?" I ask.
"Yes" He says looking at me with the over protective brother look.
"Who cares who it's from Ron. I'm more curious what the got her." Fred says slapping Ron up the back of the head.
"Go on. Open it." George says. I look at the small palm sized box. I undo the sliver now and take the note out. I open it up to read a simple. Happy birthday princess - DM❤️
I smile and put the note in my pocket before anyone else can see it. I open up the box to see a small ring that looks like a tiara. (Pic above) I look at it in awe. It's so pretty.
"What is it?" Fred asks. I close the lid and put it in my pocket.
"Mine." I say standing up and grabbing all my gifts.
"Thanks you all for everything. I'm going to my room. Bye." I say before walking out of the hall and into the hufflepuff common. I walk into my room and put my stuff down before flopping on my bed. I take the green box out of my pocket and admire the ring. I take it out of it box and put it on my middle finger. I look at it for a few minutes before sitting up, grabbing the ink and quill from George and walk to my desk to wright Draco a thank you........

A/N- wow this was long. But fun. And next up is Christmas. Which won't be long. But I think it's needed. Anyway. Thanks for reading. Please comment ideas and vote if u enjoyed. Thanks💕

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