Chapter 35: A Curve Bludger

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So it's official. Gilderoy Lockhart is a complete madman who has no idea what he's doing. Not only did he send a cage full of Pixies on us, but the worst part is the way all the girls look at him. Honestly i don't ever want to let Hermione near him again. It wouldn't surprise me if he put some Hex on them. Sadly we have him all year, but hopefully something will have happened and he'll be found out as a crazy maniac and get kicked to the curb. But for now i guess i have to endure his stupidity. Which i've been doing pretty well for the last few weeks.

I'm currently sitting in the library when Fred sprints thought the door in his Quidditch uniform.

"(Y/N). something's happened. Get to Hagrid's Hut Right now!" he yells with slight anger but more worry in his voice. Before being promptly ssshhhhed by the librarians after. I pack up my books in my satchel and run to Hagrid's hut.

I bang on the door to be let in when the friendly 'giant' opens the door.

"Oh 'ello (Y/N). come in, you'll wanna know wats happenin'." Hagrid says in his Hagrid way. I walk through the door to see Harry in his quidditch robes, sitting next to a blue faced Ron whos holding a bucket and, well, looking like crap. Then Hermione next to Ron.

"What happened to him?" i ask with slight amusement. Ron proceeds to throw up slugs into the bucket.

"His broken wand caused a spell to backfire onto himself." Hermione explained not looking to happy.

"Whos Ron tryna curse anyway?" Hagrid asks nicely but also quite quickly.

"Malfoy." Harry says giving me a sad and dirty look as he speaks softly. "He was on his way to take our quidditch practice time and he ahhh, He called Hermione a... um.... Well i don't know exactly what it means."

Hermione stands up in frustration and walks to look out the window with crossed arms. "He called me a MudBlood." My eyes open wide with shock. I know Dracos a little bit of an ass but i never expected him to say that! Especially with how close my family is with Hermione. And he KNOWS that!

"He did not!" Hagrid says with shock and anger, but it was almost like he wasn't really surprised.

"What's a Mudblood?" Harry asks innocently.

"It means dirty blood, Mudbloods a really foul name for someone who is muggle born. With non-magic parents. Someone like me." Hermione says turning and walking back towards us, giving me sideways glances almost like its my fault. I know in my heart that she's disappointed in me right now. Probably questioning why id even consider liking Draco. AHHH i hate it, just when things seem to be going okay something or someone messes it up. In this case it's definitely Dracos fault.

"It's not a term one usually hears in civilised conversation." she says glumbly as she sits back down.

"Ya see Harry. There are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're betta than everyone else because they're what people call 'pure blood'." Hagrid says in a sad disgusted way.

"That's horrible" Harry says before Ron throws up another slug.

"It's disgusting" Ron says.

"And it's Codswallop. 'Dirty blood' why there isn't a wizard today who isn't half blood or less. More to the point they're yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here" With that Hagrid takes Hermione's hand and wraps both of his around it. "Don't you think on it Hermione. Don't you think on it for one second, aye?" he says with his Hagrid smile. I take a gulp and hold back my tears as hard as i can, taking a sniff without realising. Everyone looks at me.

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