Chapter 25: Holiday Shenanigans

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It's been 2 WHOLE WEEK SINCE I'VE SEEN DRACO! We have been sending letters back and forth, but it's not enough! I miss him so much. But he's currently away on some ridiculous holiday to Australia. Something to do with his mother buying some fancy object. He still sends me letters, but it's now a lot less then it used to be. And it sucks.

I trudge down the stairs for breakfast. i sent draco a letter last night, but Aurora (I'm using aurora so that she can spread her wings, plus its a long journey that could be a bit much on Golden-oak.) hasn't arrived home yet. Of course it's a multiple hour journey, even for a dragon. But i just really want him here.

Blobbing down at the table, mum hands me a bowl of porridge with berries in it.

"Morning sweetie, you don't look to happy. What's wrong?" she says sweetly, stroking my hair.

"I just. Have a friend, whose gone away on holiday. And i really wanna talk to them." i say as ginny sits down. She catches onto what i'm saying immediately and give me an evil side smirk.

"Its okay dear. I'm sure you could find something to do to distract yourself." mum answers with a warm look. I go to say something but am rudely interrupted by Ron yelling as he walks down the stairs.

"Mum. Are we going to get Harry today?" he asks plopping himself at the table.

"It's only been two weeks, give him some time to reply. He might be busy." Mum says slightly concerned.

"But i've sent him multiple letters, and he hasn't replied to a single one. And we agreed we would write each other everyday. And hermione hasn't heard anything from him either! Plus, its not like his family treats him right. He said that he would have nothing better to do then write to us!" Ron nags, pushing as far as he can.

"Honey. I understand your concern. But we are going to have to wait till your father hasn't go a full workload. We will go get him at some point. But for no lets just wait till the end of the month. Okay?" Mum says making a good argument. Ron lets out a huff as he pigs into his breakfast. Finishing eating, i make my way up to my room to see if auroras back yet.

Sitting at my desk i sigh in disappointment. Auroras not back yet. I hear a loud knock at the door.

"Come in!" i call, turning to the door to see my two twin brothers standing at the door.

"Mum says you need something to distract you. Wanna play a mini quidditch?" fred explains as george nodded his head franticly behind him. I let out a chuckle and stand up, grabbing my nimbus 1999. The grade one under harry's. I bought it for myself after the first week back. I really need to get used to it.

I run outside and see my two bros already on there brooms. I quickly mount mine and start to fly around.

"We ready?" i ask impatiently.

"We need ron!" george yells.

"Im here." calls ron as he run out of the house and gets on his broom.

"Dibs being Fred's Seeker!" i call. Incase your not aware, mini quidditch is played with 4 players. 2 teams, each with 2 players. One player will play the parts of both keeper and chaser, and the other is the seeker. So there's also only 2 balls, the quaffle and the golden snitch. We leave the beaters out because otherwise its to violent for mums liking. (it also has a high likelihood of house breakage, and she doesn't really want that either) on top of that there's only one hoop.

"Not fair. I'm always stuck with ronald." george huffs in fake, teasing anger.

"Well. that's because freds my favourite. Soo." i retort with a laugh. George puts on a fake hurt look.

"Your on badger." he says narrowing his eyes on the opposite side of the field to me.

"Hey!" we hear the small voice from below us. Looking down, i see ginny. "Can i be scorekeeper?" she asks with a hopeful look.

"Of Course! Can you also release the balls?" i call out from above. I see her nod and walk up to the mini chest. Unless you're playing professionally, you're not easily able to buy any bludgers. Again, too violent. She flings open the chest and pull out the quaffle. She also grabs out the snitch and holds it in her hand tightly.

"Ready?" she calls out to us.

"Ready!" we all reply at the same time.

"3.....2.....1......GO!" she calls out and lets the balls go. Tossing the quaffle in the air. And so the games begins!

After 2 hour of hard core quidditch playing, we all get off our brooms.

"Yes. Woohoo i won!!!" i yell in excitement as i run in circles around everyone.

"You mean we won?" fred say laughing at my childish ways.

"You did jack. It was all me. I got the snitch every game." i laugh as we walk inside.

"But youre so small." Ron grumble out.

"And just better in general." i say bosting.

"But seriously. Are you going to try out for the hufflepuff team? You'd be really good." george asks, putting some toast in the toaster for all of us.

"I don't know. I don't wanna verse you guys. plus, Cedrics the seeker for hufflepuff. And i be you he's going to stay that way till he leaves." i answer as i place my broom down.

"Ya. but you could be the sub. Or beat him. You are way better then him." fred argues.

"I don't know. But for now, i need to go get changed, im so sweaty." i say walking upstairs and into my room.

Once i enter my room and change into clean clothes, i look at my desk to see Aurora sitting perched next to Golden-oak. I jump in excitement and walk over to my desk. Carefully opening the green envelope sitting on my desk. I start to read the beautiful writing of my boi. Draco.

Dearest princess (Y/N),

I'm sorry to hear that you've been stuck at home. I really wish i was there to see you. I'm missing you so much right now.

All i wanna do is hold you in my arms while I'm writing this. However, i have gotten you a couple gifts while here that i really hope you like.

I should be home in another week. I know i said some time this week, but mother has to attend to even more meetings and duties that I'm not aloud to know about.

So i just spend day in day out thinking of the adventures i would be having if you were here with me. Its kinda sad when you think about it. But i just miss your entirety so much.

On a more positive note. Mother has agreed that when we get back, you can have a sleepover at the mansion and join us when we go shopping for the new school supplies.

Which will be fun. And i'm sure we can go on our own at some point to that cafe, and get all the chocolate we want. As i promised.

Loving and missing you dearly,


I smile the brightest smile ever as i read over each word carefully. Gosh i love this boy. I pull out my mood changing ink and quill and begin to write my response.

A/N- I have been really into writing at the moment so expect more v soon!

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