#25 Ambivalent Valentine (Part 2)

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You left Niall's house this morning; it is now early evening. You had one missed call from Niall, from earlier in the day and received one text after you left which read:
"Please tell me what's wrong when you're ready. I hope you're okay darlin'. Love you xx"

Little did he know you were upset because of him. You'd been mindlessly driving for the majority of the day. You even got lunch from a drive-through because you didn't feel like getting out of the car. Now you are sitting in your car, at a parking lot, at an empty beach. You rested your arms on the steering wheel and watched the waves crash onto the shore as a thousand questions filled your mind. How can he do this to me? Has he actually done anything to me? Am I overreacting? Should I call him?

Your train of thoughts was interrupted by your phone ringing. The ringing startled you, but you relaxed in your seat when you saw it was Niall. You picked it up to answer but quickly threw your phone onto the passenger seat. You put your head in your hands as you waited for the ringing to stop. Then your phone buzzed. It was another text from Niall that read:

"I don't know where you are Y/N but again I hope you're ok. I just wanted to let you know that I am getting ready for drinks and dinner. I hope you're still coming. I am worried about you, love. Call me soon."

"This wasn't fair to him," you thought. You didn't hear his side of the story yet and the media is famous for twisting things. You decided that you should go home.

Your phone buzzed again and it read:
"Sean is at ours to pick us up. We're heading to the bar now. Meet me there Y/N, please."

He sent the address to you. You put it into your GPS and it was not too far away. You were not dressed for the bar and a fancy dinner but you needed to get this sorted out with Niall, so you started your car and made your way to him.

You parked your car across the street from the bar and saw Niall standing with Sean. Damn it; Niall looked amazing. He was wearing a dark blue suit which brought out the blue in his eyes so much that you could see them from here. He looked stressed. The bar was open but they were still standing outside; you assumed it was because they were waiting for you.

You got out of the car and just before you could start walking, you saw a familiar woman walking towards them. Her face became clearer in the light. It was Tara; Niall's assistant and the woman in the photo. You were frozen. This was too much. Why was she here? She and Niall hugged and she put something in his hand. This only rubbed salt in the wound for you. You watched them interact. They were smiling at first and then the conversation seemed to have gotten serious. Niall's face began to drop as Tara spoke. He grabbed a fistful of hair from the front of his head and tugged at it in frustration. He then told her something that made her rub his arm. You were as confused as ever. She finally checked her watch, hugged him goodbye and got back into her car and drove away. This interaction confused you but also brought back the image of the photo. This was too much. You weren't ready to talk to him, but fate thought otherwise. Niall saw you from the other side of the street. He began calling your name. You quickly turned away from him and got in your car. You were shaking as you tried to put the key into the ignition. Niall was running towards you now. Shit! You dropped your keys on the ground. You reached to grab it but you were too late. Niall already opened your car door and sat in the passenger seat.
"I'm going wherever you're going," he stated.

You exhaled and began crying. He reached to touch you but you flinched away.
"Are you angry with me?" he asked, backing away slightly.
You put your face in your hands and didn't answer.
This time he exhaled. "You saw the photo, didn't you?" he finally let out.
He knew about the photo! "Yeah I did!" you let out.
"God, I'm so sorry Y/N."
You lifted your head up, "Sorry? Niall, did you cheat?"
His eyes widened and he shook his head, "God no! I would never!"
"Then what are you doing in it? It looks like you're kissing her! And also why didn't you tell me you were meeting her!" you demanded.
He sighed, "I was waiting in line for the new shopping center to open. The official opening was at 12 am and there was this new jewelry store opening which had the necklace you wanted, but they only had two in store. So, I was waiting in line from 9 pm and while I was in line, I met Tara. I told her about how I had spent the whole day at the studio and that I was extremely exhausted. She insisted to pick up what I was looking for so that I could go home. I was so grateful that I just kissed her on the cheek in thanks and I guess the paparazzi took the photo when I did. It was purely platonic Y/N trust me."
"Why was she here just now?" you asked calmer.
"She came to drop off the present and she also told me about the photo," he explained.
Everything clicked. You felt like an idiot.

"Niall I-I'm so sor-" you began.
He cut you off, "Y/N don't apologise, love. The situation looked bad. I would've reacted the same way but you need to talk to me about these things before you run off okay?"
You nodded.
"Okay, can I give you a kiss now?"
You giggled and pressed your lips to his.
You pulled away, "Niall?"
"Yes, love?"
"I don't think I'm dressed properly for tonight. Can I go home, get dressed and meet you back here?"
"I think you look perfect but if you want to, then sure. Just promise you'll come back."
You smiled, "I promise."

Hello my loves! I am extremely sorry for the late update! School has been so stressful these past couple of weeks. I haven't had the time to sit and write in a long time. Thank you for being so patient with me and I hope you guys liked this update. I won't be writing in these 2-3 upcoming weeks but I promise after that I will. I want to write imagines that you guys are keen to read, so for these next 2-3 weeks please comment some scenarios for imagines so that when I come back I can write them all for you. This will help me out a lot and also be way more interesting for you guys to read.
As always, thanks for the support and positivity!

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