#14 Heart broken

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This imagine was inspired from all of the spottings of Niall and Hailee Steinfeld together. NO HATE to Hailee! She's an absolute QUEEN but I just added her in here to make it seem a bit more realistic and to add to the mood of modern day Niall.

You and Niall were invited to Shawn Mendes' party in Hollywood. You were super nervous to see all your favourite artists together in one place but at the same time you were really pumped. While Niall was in the shower, you started getting ready. You decided on a cropped white top with a mini denim skirt and threw your hair into a high ponytail. You did your makeup and completed your look with a pair of black ankle boots.

"Wow!" Niall exclaimed in shock as he stood in the doorway of the connected bathroom.
You bent over to zip up your left boot and giggled.
"Chop chop Mr! We need to get going," you commanded clapping your hands together, standing up.
Niall walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Well since you're so good at picking out clothes, how about you pick my outfit for tonight?"
He leaned in for a kiss. You quickly covered his mouth with your hand so he wouldn't ruin your lipstick and he kissed your palm instead.
"If I must," you replied
He chuckled as he watched you walk towards his closet from behind.

When you and Niall arrived at Shawn's house, you were immediately overwhelmed by the amount of people there. Niall sensed your nervousness and grabbed your hand while placing a kiss to your head. You admired how handsome he looked tonight in his white button down shirt and plaid pants that you picked out for him.
You saw Camila Cabello who you were already very close with and she quickly ran over to the two of you, leaving the people she was talking to.

"Y/N! I didn't know you were coming!" She exclaimed as she hugged you.
"It was a last minute choice. Gotta keep an eye out on this one," you said nudging Niall who was smiling in amusement.
"You should be keeping an eye on her Niall. With her beauty, she'll be on every man's radar."
"What can I say? I'm a lucky guy," Niall said as he winked at you.
You and Niall continued to catch up with Camilla a bit longer.
"Cmon Y/N! I wanna introduce you to a few people."
She grabbed your hand and started leading you away from Niall but he quickly grabbed your other hand.
"I'm gonna go have a few drinks with the lads. Are you gonna be okay?"
"Yeah I'll be fine, go have fun," you assured him, kissing him on the cheek.

Camila introduced you to all the people who you were a fan of and she loved watching you fan girl over them. About an hour later you were dancing with her, Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift and you felt a bit light headed from being around so many celebrities. Plus it was getting really hot. You slipped out of the group and went to the kitchen to get a drink. While you were pouring yourself a drink you met Shawn.

"Y/N! Hey!" He yelled, pulling you into a hug.
"Hey Shawn! Thanks for inviting us."
"Are you kidding? You two were at the top of my list! Are you having fun?"
"Yeah the party's great! You wouldn't happen to know where Niall is by any chance would you?"
"I was actually just talking to him on the balcony."
"Really? Ok thanks! I'm gonna go see him! I'll catch you later!" you yelled over the sudden loud music that began playing.

After a while of searching, you finally found Niall on the balcony where Shawn left him. Only this time he was with some girl. You were about to walk up to them when you suddenly stopped in your tracks. The girl leaned into Niall and kissed him and he began kissing her back. You could now make out the girl's face. It was a Hailee Steinfeld. You were overthrown with even more shock and your heart began to beat so loudly you could hear the pounding in your ears. You didn't cry yet because you were filled with so much anger.

You walked towards them and pulled him off her. He blinked a few times at you as if he were trying to register who you were. All of a sudden a look of guilt completely washed over him. He reeked of alcohol but that still wasn't an excuse for what he did.

"How could you?!" You threw the drink you held at his face and bolted out of there as fast as you could. You heard him call your name but you didn't stop.

Once you were out of Shawn's place you ran to the next street. The tears filling up in your eyes blurred your vision, causing you to collapse on to the pavement crying. You couldn't help it. You were completely heart broken.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. If you would like a part 2, please let me know otherwise it'll just remain on this cliffhanger ending.
Lots of love xx 💓

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