#9 Emotional Day

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Over the past few days, you've been feeling like shit. Your studies have been stressing you out, your emotions have been all over the place plus Niall has been working almost non-stop.

You wake up and stretch your arms out to nuzzle into Niall but all you feel next to you is the bed sheets. You open your eyes and realise that he must've already left for work. You go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and see a note on the mirror from Niall. It reads,
"Sorry I had to leave without saying bye, but I went in early so that I could finish early. I'll be back around 12. Love Nialler xx"

You smiled to yourself and thought it was very sweet of him to do that so that you two could spend more time together. You finish cleaning yourself up and go down to the living room. You open your laptop to commence your studying. Suddenly an email pops up, it was the grade for your last assignment. You open it, positive that you had passed but still a bit skeptical. You couldn't believe your eyes, you had failed! Tears filled your eyes and you felt a huge lump in your throat that you tried to swallow, but failed. You slammed your laptop shut and burst out crying. You cried for 20 minutes because you spent months on perfecting this assignment and now you would be held back. Suddenly you got a notification. You opened your laptop and saw it was from Niall, he tagged you in a photo on Instagram. He posted a photo of the two of you sitting on the couch, laughing. The caption was,
"Can't wait until I finish the next single so that I can spend more time with this one!"
A smile played on your lips but quickly vanished when you saw the comments.

"Eww is that how y/n looks like without makeup??"
"Ugh, she cannot pull that top off."
"OMG! I didn't realise how fat y/n is!"
"Wow! Niall's standards aren't set very high."

You ran to the bathroom locking the door behind you and cried. Everything you had been feeling for the past few days just exploded out of you and you wailed louder than you ever had. You looked at your reflection in the mirror and saw how puffy your face looked. Pimples on your forehead, chin, and nose were suddenly revealed to you. You lifted up your t-shirt and became aware of how much fat was on your stomach. You looked at yourself fully in the mirror and was unable to recognise the person staring back. You slid your back down against the wall until you felt the cold, tiled floor against your skin. You cried and cried and just wanted all the pain to be over.

Niall's POV

The minute I entered the house I knew something was different. Usually, y/n would have the radio blasting or I could immediately smell what she cooked. But today there was nothing. The house was quiet. I walked into the living room, expecting to see her studying but all that was on the couch was her laptop. It was open which meant she's awake. I pressed the spacebar and before me popped up the most horrible comments. My chest immediately felt tight and I was just about to call out to her when I saw her email was open in another tab. I read her email from her University and my heart sank. Suddenly, I began panicking. "Y/N!!" I yelled.

I followed the sound of loud crying and landed outside of the bathroom.
She sniffled, "Please just leave me for a few minutes Niall," she pleaded between sobs.
"Y/n open up, please. I know what's wrong."
"No you don't!" she cried.
"Baby, I read your laptop. I saw the email."
"It's not just that Ni." she almost whispered.
"I saw the comments too."
She unlocked the door and I quickly twisted the knob.

She was sitting there with her back against the wall, looking so vulnerable and confused. I could tell she'd been crying for hours. I sat down next to her choking back tears of my own.
I opened my arms to her and she nuzzled in. She fit into me so perfectly. It took everything I had for me not to cry too.
"I know how hard you worked for that assignment but sometimes in life, you have to fail. It teaches you things."
She nodded, wiping the tears with the back of her hand.
I held her closer and tighter towards me, "As for the comments, we both know none of it is true."
She shook her head, "They are. Look at me! Without makeup, I look like shit. My stomach has been getting bigger day by day! I don't know why you even want to be with someone like me!"
She started to pull away from me when she said this but I didn't let her. I turned her gently to face me.
"Listen to me y/n. You are beautiful and smart and perfect just the way you are. I love you more than anything else and that's my opinion. What others think is irrelevant. And I'm really sorry I haven't been here for you the past few days but I'm here now and I want to listen to anything you need to get off your chest."

Words splattered out of her mouth like vomit and I listened attentively to everything she said. God, she was holding so much in.
When she finally finished I leaned in and kissed her. I kissed her with more passion than I ever have before. I felt as if I finally knew the real her and she was the strongest woman I've met. Her kisses against my lips were soft and tasted like heaven. I was craving more but I pulled away knowing this wasn't what she needed right now.

"C'mon why don't we get some rest."
She bit her lower lip as she nodded. God, I wish I could've kissed her a while longer.
We laid next to each other and I held her tight.
"Niall I love you so much,' she said out of nowhere.
"I love you too y/n. And I promise I'll be here when you wake up this time."
She giggled, "Good. Also, let's pick up where we left off in the bathroom when we wake up," she said with a wink.
I kissed her one more time and then watched as she slowly drifted to sleep.

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