#23 Unfortunate Misunderstanding (Part 3)

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Y/F/L/N = Your First name and Last Name

Niall's P.O.V.

The car ride was 40 minutes but it all went by so quickly. Louis was asking questions here and there but I couldn't even answer the questions in my own head.

Once we got there, Louis pulled over next to the curb at the front of the hospital.
"Alright lad, this is a mobility spot so you better get out," he commanded.

I didn't hesitate as I jumped out of the car and began running. As soon as I got inside, I was hit with the realisation that I didn't know where she was. I hastily scanned every corner and every wall for signs. That's when I saw the big blue double doors to the emergency room. I sprinted towards them and slammed my body weight into the doors. It was locked. I began panicking as I tried again and again. I suddenly saw an old fashioned wall phone with a sign underneath that read...

"Vistors of patients in the emergency room must dial 1 before entering."

I picked up the phone and shakily dialed 1 before putting it to my ear.

A woman answered the phone after 4 rings, "Hello?"
"H-hello- is...uh...Y/N.. um..," I couldn't seem to get the words out. Everything was so surreal. I felt myself beginning to cry.
"Sir? I need you to repeat yourself please. Who are looking for?" The woman urged calmly.
I took a deep breath, "Her name is Y/N. Y/F/L/N," I managed to choke out her full name.
She paused for a few seconds, "She's just come out of surgery."
When the woman said this, I felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of me. Y/N was severely injured!
"Where is she? Wh-why did she undergo surgery? Is she ok?" These were the some of the questions I was finally able to ask.
"She's on Level 3. Ask the reception on level 3 for her Ward number. The doctor will be able to answer your questions."

That was all the information I needed. I slammed the phone into its place on the wall and started running again. I ran to the elevator and pushed number 3.
"Please God! Let her be ok! Let my love be ok," was what I mumbled as I waited impatiently for the doors to open.
Once the bell dinged and the door opened I jogged up to the reception desk.

A small lady with grey hair and tiny glasses stood in front of me. She noticed my state and froze for a quick moment, unsure what to say, but she managed a sympathetic smile.

"I'm looking for Y/F/L/N." My voice was no louder than a whisper now.
"Are you Y/N's family dear?" The woman asked.
"N--no. I'm her boyfriend," I replied.
The woman pursed her lips. She was unsure whether to let me in or not. I could see that she wanted to, but I knew that she was hesitating for security reasons. I needed to persuade her so that I could see Y/N.

I took a deep breath, "Look, we were on our way to Vegas, well, we went separately.  I went this morning and Y/N went later on. I wanted her to come with me but she had promised to help her friend with something in the morning and she didn't want to let her friend down. She was probably exhausted and came to Vegas anyways so that she wouldn't let me down either. I waited hours for her to come and then her mother called me and told me what happened. Her family is stuck in traffic and no one is here for Y/N. I would greatly appreciate if you would let me see her."

The lady seemed to have seen the pain in my voice and eyes because she nodded.
"She's in Ward 8," she offered.
"Thank you."

This time I didn't run, in fact, I took baby steps. I wanted to prolong this. I wanted so badly to see Y/N healthy. I wanted to see her smiling. I wanted to hear her hearty laugh that I love, but right now, I needed to walk into that Ward. I needed to do it for her.

Your P.O.V.

All of a sudden the darkness turned into a bright white light. I blinked and the light became blurry. The blurriness then showed me doubled figures. I blinked again and the doubled figures became single figures. I felt like a was in a dream but the dream turned into a nightmare when I felt the pain. I tried to make out my surroundings as best as I could. I looked over to my left hand which felt extremely heavy. Something was stuck inside it but was also sticking outside of it. Whatever it was, it was making my skin warm and it stung my hand a bit. I knew this feeling, it was an IV. It was putting nutrients into my bloodstream. I then realised I was in a hospital. All of the horrible memories of the accident came back in a flash. I closed my eyes and willed myself to slip into the darkness again but I couldn't.

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