#24 Ambivalent Valentine

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Every morning you thanked your lucky stars that you were able to wake up next to such a beautiful boyfriend, but today you were even more grateful because it was Valentines Day. You stretched your arm out so that you could wrap it around his chest but nothing was there. You rubbed your eyes and looked next to you. Niall wasn't there. All that laid there was his white sheets and pillow. You turned your head the other way and the most gorgeous thing caught your eye. On your bedside table was a bouquet of bright red roses. You picked up the flowers and smelt it. As you did so, another thing caught your eye; there was a note attached to the flowers. You immediately smiled as you read the note.
It read:
"Hope you slept well my darling. Today is all about you my love." - Nialler

You hopped out of bed, brushed your teeth and showered. As you were drying off, your tummy immediately rumbled as your nostrils were filled with the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. You ran downstairs in your towel and saw Niall at the stove whistling while he cooked breakfast for the two of you. You snuck up behind him and quickly wrapped your arms around him.

He giggled, "Morning my love."
You nestled into his back, "Morning."
"Did you like the flowers?"
You let go and stood next to him, "They were beautiful and the note was very cute."
He smirked, "Is this my present?"
You gave him a puzzled look, but immediately realised what he meant when you saw his eyes scanning your body.
You blushed. "I smelt eggs and bacon and I couldn't resist."
"Trust me, I'm finding it very hard to resist," he replied with a smirk.
You giggled and watched as he turned off the stove and put the breakfast into two plates. He then turned to face you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and looked you straight in the eyes. You held onto his forearms and smiled.
"Happy Valentines Day Y/N."
He pressed a kiss to your lips. When his lips touched yours, you immediately fell deep into the kiss. You continued to move your lips with his, more passionately every second until your tummy rumbled again. Niall laughed into your lips.
He pulled away and held one of the plates out to you. "I think you need some food, love."
You blushed embarrassedly but took the plate regardless.

The two of you watched TV as you ate. When you finished, Niall turned the TV off and turned towards you.
"I'm taking you out."
"What?" you replied confused.
"Tonight, we're gonna get drinks with Sean and his girlfriend and then I'm going to take you out for a... FABULOUS meal."
"But Niall-"
He cut you off, "No, I'm taking you out and there are no buts."
You smiled and nodded, "Ok fine."
He collected your plate and placed a kiss on your cheek before he went to wash the dishes. When he turned his back to you, you instinctively opened your phone and started scrolling through Instagram. Suddenly something caught your eye and as much as you wanted to, you couldn't look away from it. It was a photo of Niall looking a bit too comfortable with his assistant. You knew they were close by this was a bit too close for comfort.

You felt as if your heart had sunk down to your feet. Niall had told you he was at the studio last night. He had never mentioned that was meeting Tara to you so this could only mean one thing; Niall was sneaking around behind your back. A huge lump formed in your throat and tears began to well up in your eyes. You decided you were just going to ask him.

You cleared your throat and tried to maintain a strong voice, "Niall?" you called.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Um, where did you say you were yesterday?"
"Well, I played some golf early in the morning and then I was at the studio for the rest of the day."
"Who'd you play golf with?" you pressed.
"Just some of the lads,"
"Did you go anywhere else?" you urged again.
He turned the faucet off, "What's the matter love?"

You adjusted your towel as you got up from the couch, "Don't worry about it."
Damn it! Your voice cracked when you said 'it' and Niall hadn't missed it.
You hurriedly made your way up the stairs but Niall was following close behind.
"Y/N? Babe? What's the matter?"
You couldn't believe that he was lying to you.
"I'm going to get dressed. I'm going out," you replied, ignoring his question.
"What? Where?" he asked confused.
"I have to run a few errands," you lied.
You picked up your pace as you made your way to the bedroom and shut the door behind you. Niall didn't go any further.

Once you got ready, you opened the door and saw that Niall was still waiting outside the door for you. You pushed passed him and again, he followed you.
"Y/N please tell me what's wrong?"
"Nothing," you lied.
You grabbed your car keys from the bowl near the front door.
"Don't wait up for me Niall," you demanded as you walked out the door.

Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last update, so I thought I would give you a 'sequel' imagine. There will be a Part 2 so stay tuned! Also, I mean absolutely no hate towards Tara. I just saw the photos and got inspired to write an imagine. I'm not sure if there's actually something going on between the two of them but as long as they're happy it's all good.
Love you all and thank you so much for supporting this collection of Niall imagines so far!

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