#21 Unfortunate Misunderstanding

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Your P.O.V.

You had promised your friend that you'd babysit her kids from 9 am - 2 pm while she went to get some work done. It was also New Year's Eve and you and Niall were invited to a party in Las Vegas to bring in the New Year. The party was at The Venetian Hotel and the two of you booked a room for the night. It was a good thing that your house was only 10 minutes away from your friend's but getting to the party would be a long drive since you were in Hollywood and Vegas was 4 hours away. The party was at 8 pm, plus you needed around an hour to pack and get dressed, so you were on a very tight schedule. However, putting other peoples needs before your own was a good and bad habit of yours. Niall had begged you to not babysit today, so you could leave with him and his mates in the morning but you had already promised your friend, and letting people down was not one of your strong points. You decided that you would just drive there yourself after you had finished everything.

Your friend finally came home at 2:30, which made you half an hour behind schedule. She apologised several times, and although you assured her it was no problem, you were freaking out on the inside. As soon as she settled in, you sprinted out the door and to your car. Luckily you had planned your outfit the night before so there was one less thing to worry about. You parked your car in the driveway and ran upstairs to yours and Niall's room. You sifted through the clothes hanging in your closet and pulled out your eye-catching dress. It was a sparkling silver dress that clung to your body, showing off your curves at the right places. It cut off at the middle of your thigh and reflected every single light in the room. You lightly concealed, contoured and bronzed your face and added some blush on the apples of your cheeks. You completed your look by blending different shades of silver on your eyelids, lining them with subtle black eyeliner and topping everything off with a classic red lipstick. You matched a pair of silver heeled sandals and took a quick glance in the mirror, feeling very pleased. After stuffing in some cute pajamas, clothes, and toiletries for tonight and tomorrow you noticed a long navy blue box at the foot of yours and Niall's bed. Next to it was a note that read.

"I'm not sure what you're wearing (you look beautiful in anything btw) but I know that this will complement whatever outfit you decided on. Can't wait to see it on you!"
-Love Nialler

You giggled and opened the velvet box and inside was the most gorgeous necklace. It had a delicate silver chain which held a dark blue sapphire pendant with little diamonds surrounding it. You immediately fell in love with it and even more with Niall. You secured it around your neck, picked up your overnight bag and headed downstairs. You couldn't wait to see Niall and thank him properly.

It was 3:30 pm which made you very anxious since you were still 30 minutes behind schedule. You put in one of the CD's that Niall put together a few days ago and gave you this morning. He put together all your favorite songs since you would be using your phone as a GPS. When the first song started playing, you put your key in the ignition and began your very long trip.

The L.A. traffic had made you fall behind even more than you had planned which made you very unsettled as you waited while the cars in front of you crawled. However, the drive became very peaceful once you were out of L.A. and driving on the deserted road that led to Vegas. Niall had texted you a few times to check up on you and you guaranteed him that you were fine.

Vegas was about an hour away and it was 6:45. You let out a sigh of relief when you realised that you could still make it with 15 minutes to spare. You look at the road ahead of you and in your rearview mirror to make sure that it was safe enough to change the CD. You kept your left hand on the steering wheel while your right hand reached over to grab the next disc. You glanced between the road and the glove compartment, as you rummaged through your collection. Once you found the CD, you clutched it tightly; careful not to drop it and closed the glove compartment. You brought the CD to the steering wheel and opened it to take out the disc. Just as you opened it, the disc fell onto the floor next to your right foot. You reached down to grab it and just as you did, you heard your phone ring. You picked up the disc, looked at your phone and saw Niall's name. Just before you answered you heard a loud horn. You looked up in shock. You quickly realised you were driving in the middle of the road but were taking up most of the opposite lane, where a large truck was driving a few meters away from you. You instantly dropped the disc and ringing phone in your right hand and abruptly swerved to the right. The truck driver swerved to the same side of the road as you, since you were initially taking up his side of the road. This unfortunate misunderstanding resulted in a massive collision of his giant vehicle and your tiny car. Your mind froze along with your body which swung disorderly. As much as you couldn't process anything around you, you did notice when the continuous ringing of your cell phone stopped.

Hey everyone! Hope you liked this update and yes there will be a part 2 very soon. xx

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