#11 Backstage Surprise

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Niall has been on tour for the past 5 months and you've only seen him through your late night FaceTime calls which you love and hate. The only reason you hate it is because Niall fights his jet lag just to talk to you and then he feel exhausted during his show. You took a few weeks of leave from work and decided to join Niall on tour for a little while. Except it was a surprise. You had organised the whole surprise with Connor, Niall's violinist who was happy to help. He let you know where everything was and organised for someone to collect you from the airport to take you to the venue.

You arrive at the venue at 9pm which is when Niall is performing. You go to the back of the venue where you see the security guard who's in on the surprise. He leads you backstage and you watch the whole show from the side of the stage. You're not scared of Niall seeing you because you know how into his shows he gets. You also know that at the end of his show Niall is the first to leave the stage while his band continues playing, so towards the end of 'On My Own' you make your way behind the wall in the corner and wait for him to come out. In about 10 seconds you see a sweaty but handsome Niall jog past you and the wall you're against. Before he can turn around, you run up to him and squeeze his waist and he swiftly turns around. He blinks a little, trying to make sure the sight in front of him is real. His shocked expression quickly turns into a massive grin when he sees you as clear as day in front of him.
"Y/N!!" He exclaims, scooping you into his arms and spinning you in the air.
"Surprise!!" You giggle.
He puts you down but still keeps his arms around you. Your arms hang loosely around his neck, your faces close.
You can tell that the adrenaline from the stage and now this has overwhelmed him. You lean into him and he presses a warm kiss onto your lips. You kiss him back, and you suddenly realise how much your lips have missed each other.

The rest of Niall's band comes out behind you cheering and you both break your kiss, still holding each other and face them.
"So I'm guessing the surprise was successful?" Connor says with a smile.
"Yeah it was," you reply pecking Niall's cheek.
Niall smiles at you as you wipe away the little stain of red lipstick you left on his cheek.
"Wait, Connor you knew about this? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Um cause' then it wouldn't be a surprise," he chuckles and walks off with the rest of the lads, giving you guys some space.

Niall shakes his head and pulls you towards him. He kisses you again and then places a kiss on your forehead.
"I've missed you," he confesses, pulling you in his arms so your head is on his chest.
"I've missed you too Ni."

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