#30 Too Busy

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"Hey, Niall let's go to dinner at that new Italian restaurant that opened up a few blocks away," you suggested, calling out in his direction.

He was sitting at the dining table with a very concentrated expression; probably answering emails. It looked like he didn't even hear you.

You sighed, still scrolling through the restaurant's website. "It's got some great reviews, plus we haven't gone out in a while."

He straightened up a little, "Mhm, okay," he replied, still not looking at you.
"Niall did you even hear me?" you demanded.
He glanced over at you apologetically, "Sorry, love. Tell me again."
"I was wondering if you want to go out for dinner tonight," you repeated.

He was back to looking at his laptop screen.
"I can't tonight Y/N. I'm emailing the producers back and forth about this new song. They want to scrap it from the album, but I really believe it has potential. I'm going to the studio tonight."

Your mouth dropped, "Tonight? Wow, what's that? The fifteenth night in a row?" you asked rhetorically.
Niall just shrugged in response.
"I feel like I hardly see you anymore Niall. I mean I get that your working, but c'mon babe, there's a limit!"
Your words didn't even reach Niall. He absent-mindedly continued typing, as if you weren't speaking to him.
You shook your head in disbelief and dramatically exited the room, not that Niall would have even noticed.

You sat on the edge of your bed as the anger built up inside of you. You were never the clingy type, but this was just getting ridiculous! You were being ignored, disregarded and stood up. Hell, he hasn't even touched you these past few days!

You suddenly laughed to yourself, "Two can play it that way."

You stayed in your room for the rest of the night and fell asleep after a few hours. In the morning, when you woke up, you automatically reached out to the space next to you, clutching nothing but empty sheets. Niall left and came home last night without telling you. He even woke up this morning without showering you in kisses like he usually does. If it weren't for Niall's laptop on his bedside table and the sound of water running from the bathroom, you would've genuinely believed that you slept in your bed all alone last night.

You felt a lump form in your throat, but the anger and annoyance from last night quickly replaced your sadness. You were ready to face Niall today in a way that he's never seen you before.

You heard the shower turn off and quickly began to finalise your plan. You were going to treat Niall the way he's been treating you; with empty words and no affection. You were sick and tired of being unacknowledged and you were ready to give Niall a taste of his own medicine.

After a few minutes, Niall emerged into the bedroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. You were so angry at him, that you didn't even swoon over his appearance the way you usually would.

"Morning Y/N," Niall said smiling as he walked towards you.
At first, you thought he was going to envelop you in his arms, but you were immediately disappointed when you saw him make a beeline for his laptop.
"Morning," you snapped.
He didn't even notice the difference in your tone.
You rolled your eyes and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

When you finished, you walked downstairs and noticed that Niall had resumed his position at the dining table in front of his laptop. You gritted your teeth together furiously but reminded yourself that things would be different today.

Usually, in the morning, you would prepare breakfast for you and Niall and place his on the table so he could eat and work, but you decided that this small act of kindness was going unnoticed and frankly, Niall had begun to take advantage of it.

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