Chapter Eleven-

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    "You two are unusually chirpy this morning," I heard Chase's voice rumble through my ears. I was currently in the middle of laughing my ass of at...well, I really don't remember what made me laugh. The important thing is, I was in a very good mood today. I spun on my heels and threw an arm around Chase's shoulders, pulling him in for a quick hug. 

    I sighed before saying, "I'm just having a really good day today," I took note of the slight dreaminess of my voice, and usually I would have been very embarrassed, but I couldn't really care. 

    "Yeah-huh. More like you got lucky last night." Chase scoffed, pulling away from me to eye me with suspicion. "So tell me, Jake, who was it?" His brows wiggled in encouragement, but I just chuckled and walked away. Then I heard, "Holy shit, you did get lucky last night!" And Chase was right by my side once more. 

    I gave him a sideways glance, rolling my eyes. "Can a guy not be happy, just because he's in a good mood?" 

    "Yeah, a guy can. But Jake Aston can't. At least, not as happy as this." He eyed me again, only this time the suspicion was replaced with concern. "Are you feeling all right? Need to go see the school nurse? Have a lie down? A drink of water?" 

    "I'm fine, Chase." I tried to force boredom into my tone, but it just came out as light and carefree as ever. When we stopped walking, I found that we were now surrounded by a large group of our friends. Owen and Felix were standing next to each other, smirking and grinning after a few things they'd said. 

    Just as I was about to look away, Lee's gaze flitted up to meet mine and he gave me a small smile. I swear it was like he had a radar that went off inside his head every time I looked at him. As if my feet had a mind of their own, they walked over to Lee's side and my shoulder seemed to nudge him playfully. 

    Okay, now I know what Chase means. I'm not myself today. What the fuck is going on? I just nudged Felix with a look plastered on my face that, probably, resembled a loved-up teenage girl staring at a Robert Pattinson poster. I shivered at the thought. I needed to get a hold of myself before someone starts suspecting something. Though I think Chase was already onto me. 

    "Do you know, I don't think you've stopped smiling since you arrived, Jay." A voice pitched in from the crowd of people, which me and Lee apparently stood in the centre of. I couldn't pick out exactly who'd said it, I didn't even recognise the voice. So I just laughed it off, and tried to tone my happiness down. Jeez, if I got any happier I was gonna be walking around with a hard-on all day. 

    "He got lucky last night!" Chase shouted out to the crowd of guys, a large grin imprinted on his face. The crowd cheered in return, like it was some sort of accomplishment. I wanted to say I didn't, but hey, if they wanna think I did then it's doing no harm to my reputation. 

    The school bell rang out, filling our ears with the most excruciatingly painful sound you'd ever heard, and with a groan we all started to make our way towards our third period lessons. Me and Lee walked towards Maths together, since our rooms were up the same staircase. 

    He leaned into my ear and said, "You're grinning like the Cheshire Cat," I didn't need to look at his face to know he was smirking, smugly. I jabbed my elbow into his side and he let out a girlish giggle before locking an arm around my neck and pulling my head down. He was practically dragging me to class by my neck, which caused me to stumble over my feet over a dozen times, while I was making weird noises of disapproval and snide remarks.

    When he finally released me, I smacked him round the back of the head playfully, and he returned the favour. "You're such a dick, Lee." I stated, still smiling. 

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