Day 3 Tasks

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The surviving tributes will face a challenge, it will either be just them or their whole alliance who is in danger/trouble.

You'll have to write a SMALL PARAGRAPH about how you escaped the danger, I will read it and I'll decide if it's a logical escape plan, if it's not, you'll either be injured or dead. If it's your whole alliance, then you must come together and send in the same work, not 2/3 different stories. Below are your challenges, no complaining, it was all random. Alliance partners can help them with each other challenges.

You will also send me a list of a maximum of 5 activities after you escaped the danger.

Lilian; District 1: You and your alliance partner; Aaliyah are being chased by a pack of four giant wolves, find a way to stop them or hide, can't kill them as you didn't have time to pick up your weapons. (mutations, that the capital put in.)

Cameron; District 2: You start to sleep walk during the early morning(4:00am) you wonder off, and wake up without Kaitlyn, having no idea where you are and no weapons.

Aria; District 4: Your gash on your calf has an infection starting, it's sore and hard to walk on. The only thing to help it is, a specific rare plant(4 oval leaves with red tips) find it, and your safe. 24 hours before the infection isn't curable. (Sponsors can send a cure, but you can't ask them to, they sponsor if they want.)

Shay; District 6: Your sleeping, when a poisonous spider bites you, having 12 hours left to live if you don't find the cure. Every hour the side effects get worse(dizziness, vision lost, losing feeling in fingers and toes, painful blisters...) The cure is the scales of a salmon. Soak it with the salmon scales and you'll live if not die a slow painful death.

Hailey; District 7: The squirrel you ate, had a disease, you are now very sick. The sickness will drain from you system in 24 hours. During those hours you'll experience; dizziness, blurry vision, sore muscles, migraines, slow reactions... You won't be able to function properly which puts you in great danger, but eating edible plants help decrease the side effects, if that is if you're able to get them.

Penelope; District 8: You and your alliance partner; Claire are crushed by a fallen tree, you may have broken bones, but that's the least of your worries. You need to figure out how to get the tree off you,it's to heavy for you to lift and your arms are tied down.

Aaliyah; District 9: You and your alliance partner; Lilian are being chased by a pack of four giant wolves, find a way to stop them or hide, can't kill them as you didn't have time to pick up your weapons. (mutations, that the capital put in.)

Ella; District 10: Your have the flu, and can't stop being sick. You're feeling weaker and weaker each minute. You're not strong enough to fight off other tributes. You already lost some weight. You need to eat salmon to help fight it off. Find the salmon, to help yourself and Shay.

Kaitlyn; District 11: You wake up, and Cameron's missing. You head off in search for her with only a small knife in your boot. As you walking, you get caught in a trap, hanging upside down, feeling the blood rushing to your head, you need to act fast. Find a logic way to get down, and find Cameron.

Claire; District 12: You and your alliance partner; Penelope are crushed by a fallen tree, you may have broken bones, but that's the least of your worries. You need to figure out how to get the tree off you,it's to heavy for you to lift and your arms are tied down.


You have until Saturday, to send in your escape paragraph and task(list of 5 things[max])

Happy Hunger Games and May The Odds be Ever in Your Favour!

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