Hailey's Version of Winning (Day 7)

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"What now?" I asked quietly, knowing my volume no longer matter as I assess the fact Claire and I are the final, remaining tributes.

"One of us has to die. The other gets to go home and living rich for the rest of their life." Claire responds as we both stare at Ella's body being lifted away helplessly.

"I'll die." I whisper as I begin to remove the knife Claire kindly lent to me out of my belt loop.

"No!" She protests, and secures the knife back into my belt. I look up at her, and see the concern in her hazel eyes.

"I'll sacrifice myself. I'm 17, and you're only 15. You still have a life to live, you're a beautiful girl and have many talents to give to the world." She told me.

"So do you, Claire, but I'm going." I argued, not wanting her to leave.

"Hailey. There is no other choice, one of us has to go. And it will be me." She stated. Before I could protest, I heard a fire crackle in the distant. I guess the gamemakers got too tired of the sappy ending, and wanted some action before we embarassed the capitol.

Claire gasped, and we both turned to see a fire, red and hot, blazing in our direction.

"Run!" She cried out, and we both did. The forests seem to get greener and greener as we ran further into them. I saw Claire was getting mroe and more tired as I encouraged her even more.

"Claire!" I cried out as I saw her begin to show she was becoming weak. Being from 12, she might not be as strong as me, form 7, who has to chop trees down every day, and run to get from tree to tree.

"It's all right! Just go!" She shouts at me. I stand in the middle of the forest, frozen. I can't leave her, she saved my life. And I'm determined to save hers.

"Claire. Once I die, the fires will stop. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine! Just don't move!" I yell at her as the flames get bigger. I take a step towards the raging flames, and stick my arm in delicately.

My flesh instantly blackens as I cry out in pain. I look back and see Claire, on the ground, crawling over to the nearest fire.

"No!" I call out as she sticks her arm in it, grimicing at the pain that shot through her arm. I sob as she commits the suicide that allowed me to live. The fire avoids me as the gamemakers see what Claire is doing.

"Hailey?" She asks, her voice clearly being in pain.

"Yes?" I resond, wiping away a few of my tears.

"Tell my sister I love her, and that my trip was beautiful." She says with a small smile as she slides herself into the flames. The cannon goes off, indicating her death. The flames die down, leaving me in the forest, sobbing my heart out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victor of the 67th Hunger Games, Hailey Windsnark, District 7!" The voice booms across the empty arena.

I regret winning. I wish I lost, and Claire won. She deserved it more than I did. I wept as the helicopters picked me up, and even when I was reunited with my mother, brother, and sister.

I did speak to Claire's sister. And she said one day, she will join her sister in the beautiful trip.


If you want to vote for this version, then do so in the next 24 hours after Claire's version is posted. Votes received before both entries were posted won't count.

Great job Hailey!

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