Twenty One

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After a while, teachers gave lanterns to groups of people in the gym so we could see better. A few pro heroes were outside trying to deal with the problem of the fallen telephone poles.

I was slightly shaking due to the fact the what was off and that the entire school was pitch black. If you didn't know already, I was afraid of the dark.

Todoroki then wrapped his arm around me, and I started to feel a little warmer. I then noticed his right arm was around my shoulders.

"Are you feeling a little better now?" Todoroki asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, thank you," I replied, moving closer to Todoroki to seek some comfort in this scary situation.

"We may have to stay here the whole night due to the storm," stated Iida, Uraraka was sitting right next to him with a worried face.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I have to get home to attend my family's Christmas Eve Party!" Exclaimed Yaoyorozu.

"I have to pack for my trip with my family, we leave tomorrow!" Sero told everyone.

"My mom is expecting me to be home tomorrow, we always have a special game night on Christmas Eve," I said with a sad tone, looking down at the gym floor.

"We'll just have to hope for the best, you guys," Kirishima told the group, trying to keep things positive.

Then some of the pro heroes walked onto the gym, "Young Heroes!" It was All Might speaking, "the dorms are very close to UA High. The Pro Heroes will escort you to the dorms and you will stay there until further notice. Let's get going!"

All of us got up and grabbed our coats and other winter clothing items. We had Two Pro heroes with us, 13 and Present Mic.

"Hurry up, children! The storm is getting worse!" 13 called out to us, hurrying us out of the front doors.

"Yeah, we need to bust out of here ASAP!" Present Mic told us.

My friends and classmates started rushing out the door with the two heroes and we were all huddled. The snow was coming down in huge piles and the winds were super harsh, so harsh it was hard to even stand up.

"Everyone, join hands. It will be easier to get through the storm!" 13 yelled through the blizzard.

"Midoriya, take my hand!" Todoroki yelled, I did what he asked and I clutched onto his pale hand. Everyone started taking other people's hands and we all trudged through the snow storm.

I was freezing since I was wearing a dress, and I bet the others were as well. After a long time of walking in the terrible and cold conditions, we finally made it to the dorms. The Pro Heroes unlocked the doors and all of us rushed into the building.

Present Mic and 13 left to go help the other students and the class of 1-A and I were all shivering together at the entrance of the dorms.

"Everyone, get changed out of your dance clothes and we'll meet in the common area!" Yaoyorozu told us and everyone did what she asked and headed up to our dorms to change.

I finally got to mine after navigating through the dark dorms. I set my lantern down on my desk and changed into a hoodie and leggings. I slipped on my slippers and made my way down to the common area to find some people already there. I sat down on one of the chairs and everyone else joined the room.

"What are doing in here, exactly?" Kaminari asked, plating around with his lantern.

"The best thing we can do right now is to stay together until the storm clears, plus our dorm rooms are freezing and the common area has a fireplace," Yaoyorozu said. A/N: Just go with the fireplace thing, I have no idea what's in the common area. I know, I'm very dumb.

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