The day it all began

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 Mission Report #1

 Title:  The day it all began

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym,The Aftermath. 

Day: Sept.24th, Age: 26

I've never much written these things before, Always stayed under the radar, Hard to do when you work for SHIELD. Still I always left it up to the lower levels; "They need practice" I used to say; Now I think I need practice. But now I'm getting off track, my name is Brin, I am a level 7, Combat unit. But it wasn't always like that, for that I will have to start from the beginning. If you can call it that.

September 14, 2002, Age: 14. Roughly 5:14 am.

I stood on the boardwalk like always, Begging from anyone that came by, scrounging from everywhere else. I was alone then, Looking out to the sea, thinking, watching, waiting, "I don't know what for" I thought. It'd been like this every day, every year. Since that faithful day I ran away from home. "Yeah" I laughed, if you could call an overstocked foster house a home. I turned back to the streets, "Well" I said to no one in particular, "Time to start my rounds". As suddenly as the words came out there was a scream. It came from the north, no, the west. I started running without thinking; I had to help, no matter the cost. I looked up and there was the person behind the scream, an elderly woman. About seventy, Gray hair, glasses, the only thing wrong with the picture was the robber. About 6'1", Dark hair, red cap, and a black lab at his heels. Screaming inWARDly, I charged him, He hit the ground with a smack. We tousled for a couple seconds, then with no warning he ran, I got up to chase him and-

"On the ground, Put your hands over your head!" Screamed the police officer. No other choice but to comply, I did as he said. The woman was nowhere to be seen, and it looked like I was the one doing the mugging, well that part was true. Two hours later, after being stamped, searched, and photographed. I sat in a Juvie cell, praying they couldn't find my prints. I barely spoke, didn't feel the need.

"You're a quiet one" I swung my head around, "You look like you could use a friend" He said, "A suit?" I thought, He wasn't supposed to be in here, not by a long shot.

"What do you want?" I said, Instead of leaving he sat down next to me,

"Well" He stated, "I came to offer you a chance of freedom".

"Yeah" I scoffed, "and how are you going to do that?"

"Well I think that's up to you, I can give you two options." He says as he holds up two fingers, “Stay here possibly get out in a few years, or come with me, and find there is much more to this world than you know". I stared at him for a couple minutes, really? I could be free? But at what cost? When I looked at him, he didn't seem harsh, More like a Father telling his child he could pick up their toy's or be sent to time-out.

"Where do I sign" I asked, He just smiled.

"Come with me". I looked around; there were guards everywhere, sure just walk out. I smirked then stood with him, He showed some sort of badge to the guard at the gate, it had some weird Eagle-type-Bird on it and said "Level 8" in big letters. The guard opened the door without a glance at me; did he know I was on trial for assault? If he knew he didn't seem to care, I was just happy to get out of there. I jogged up to the man, almost wrinkled his posh tie, looked up at him and asked,

"So what's next?"

  "Well" He started "You could tell me what your full name is." Really this question. I had avoided it for years.

"Why do you need to know?" I asked defensively, you could hear the chuckle in his throat.

"I kind of need to know your name before I can to use it"

. "Brin",

"Any Last names?" That one caused me to think, Had I ever had a last name? "No. Never had one before". That caused him to pause, an odd thing for a man that almost ran instead of walking.

"I guess we will have to give you one then". He said with a smile, "Now What kind of name do you want?" I get to name myself? This could be fun!

"One that's not like Brown, or Robertson, Those are pretty common; I want something different”

"I can tell you're not common." He smirked, Thought for a minute then continued walking.

"Well?" I said impatiently, "Do you have any suggestions?" He showed his badge to another guard at the outside door.

"We'll talk on the way there."

I looked to where he was walking, straight towards a Red Convertible.

"No way! A '62 Chevrolet corvette! I've only ever dreamed of this car!" I started running, and was about to slam into the side when the man grabbed the back of my jacket,

"No touching Lola." He said matter-of-factually, He opened the door and ever so gently let me sit down. After he hopped in and started the engine he turned to look at me,

"I have a name" Now I was scared, though with his taste in cars how bad could it be? "Chakkiym" Did he cough?




"No, Khak-keem. It means Wise men. I think it fits."    Wise men. I thought, Chakkiym, I like it.

"Ok so now I have a name, are you going to tell me yours?" He smirked again, though you could hardly call it such. More like a chivalrous grin telling you you're special.

"My name is Phil."

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