Chapter Fourteen

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Niall's P.O.V.

I couldn't do anything but hear things at first. Muffled voices surrounded me. I couldn't move but that wasn't what was on my mind at all.


She was the only name on repeat on my brain. I pictured her dead--because of me. I pictured her paralyzed--because of me. I pictured her hating me--all because of my  stupid-ness. If I could move there was no doubt I would search for her. If I could speak, I'd shout her name. If I could see, I'd search for her face. I needed to see her. I just needed too. I needed to feel her warmth of her healthy blood flowing through her. 

"I know...I'm just worried."

"When will he wake up?" 

"The doctor's don't know..."

"Liam...I'm sorry..."

"It's fine babe...I'm sure everything will turn out well." 

"They will. I know for sure. We just have to hang in there."

I heard Liam and Danielle conversing with each other. Their voices were closer...but still distant. I could feel a kiss pressed to my forehead and felt long curly hair brush my cheek. Danielle. She's so wonderful and sweet...I wish I would be able to tell her that I'm sure I'd be fine. I know I would be. As soon as I saw Haddie.

"LIAM! ZAYN!" I heard someone shout.

"Louis!!" Liam replied. 

"HADDIE'S AWAKE!" He exclaimed. My heart kicked up. Haddie's awake. She's okay. She'll be fine. She might hate me but at least she's safe. She's okay. She's awake. I repeated that over and over as I listened to sneakers skid out of the room and down the hall. I assumed I was alone. 

"I'm still here Niall...I won't leave you." I heard a voice whisper. I wanted to say 'Thanks, Danielle.' But of course I couldn't. 

I don't know how long it was until I heard a conversation between Eleanor and Danielle.

"Haddie is demanding to see Niall. They're asking the doctor's now." Eleanor informed Danielle.

"I hope she can...I bet she's sick with worry."

"Yeah she seemed really desperate to see him. I'm guessing something went down between them. Hopefully the air is cleared between them."

"Yeah hopefully..."

I remember Haddie and I back in the woods. I was on Cloud 9 with her back there...she was kissing me with passion. I was better than anything I've ever experienced. My stomach still fluttered just thinking about it. She's fierce and passionate...nothing I would have ever seen in her from the moment I met her. She's incredible on so many levels. I can't even explain it...

I didn't hear anymore conversations until I heard one voice whisper my name.

"Niall." I recognized Haddie immediately. My heart was beating at unnatural levels now and I'm sure everyone could notice on the monitors. But was sickens me is that I could not move. I could not speak. I could not show her my love and I could not tell her my love. I was helpless. Alone with my thoughts. 

She sounded upset. I hoped she hadn't been crying. I don't know if anyone else was in the room but I heard a door close so I assumed they gave us privacy.

"I'm sorry...I can't remember anything. I don't know why I was so scared wondering if you were okay." Her hand grabbed mind. Her thumbs rubbed small circles against my knuckles. "I don't know why I'm so scared right now. I'm scared you won't wake up, Niall. And I don't know why. But hearing that you weren't okay..." Her voice hitched.

I felt Haddie bring my hand up to hers and she pressed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand. Warmth spread throughout my body. Until I felt a cold tear drip onto my hand. She was crying. My heart dropped to my stomach. She can't cry...I'm fine, aren't I? Sure I can't move or speak and I'm technically not conscious but...I'll be fine...she doesn't need to cry. 

"Niall I don't want to lose you...I was afraid of loving you and then I don't know why I suddenly feel like I love you. I don't know what happened. I don't know why I'm in a hospital gown being wheeled in on a wheelchair because I'm too weak to stand. I don't know why I'm bruised up. I don't know why I've got stitches. And I sure as hell don't know why I'm so scared to lose you!" She was now shouting. My heart skipped again as she kissed my hand again. "Niall just...just don't die. Because I have no idea whats happening and I can't remember what happened by myself. Niall you have to wake out and help me. Because I don't know what is wrong and you're the only person with the answers." She was quieter as she says this, but her grip on my hand was tightened. "Niall I have no idea why I'm so in love with you now. I don't know why I want to kiss you. I don't know why I'm so scared that I'll never be able to look into your sea blue eyes or kiss you lips...I don't know Niall. So please just wake up so I can understand something. Niall...I'm lost."

I wanted to comfort her so bad...I wanted to pull her in my arms and help her remember what had happened. I wanted her to remember everything like I remember everything...but I can't fucking move. I can't comfort her. I can't be anything to her. Why. Can't. I. Move. Why can't I do something...why can't I tell her even if it's a whisper that I'm here and I'm alive and I will help her. Why can't I tell her that I love her?

Why can't she remember? Did she hit her head? Does she have a concussion? Does she and the woods? Does she remember how much I love her? 

Will I ever get to show her how much I love her?

I willed my eyes to open. My eyelids wouldn't obey. I willed my fingers to move. My muscles didn't obey. My mind was working hard and I was trying to show her I love her...I needed her to know that...I need her to know that I'm here and I will be...I just need to wake up. 

"Niall I don't know why I love you but I do. Just wake up for me." I felt a playful slap on my cheek. I wanted to smile, because it was cute, but of course I couldn't. Another slap. "Niall..." Haddie begged. Another slap, this one harder. "Come ON!" Haddie shouted. I assumed she was somehow standing now because both her hands gripped my face. My head was turned and I was facing her...I guess. "Niall..." She said through gritted teeth. "WAKE UP YA SHOWER OF CUNTS!" She shouted at me. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to laugh at her witty choice of wording. Of course I couldn't. Damn. Now she slapped me with both hands on both cheeks at the same time. And hard too. That one hurt actually. "Niall wake up or I will kill you." If I could I would have raised an eyebrow, wondering if that makes any sense at all. "Wake up or I will be seriously pissed. I'm confused and lost and I need you to tell me what the fuck is going on." She told me now. I wanted to move and tell her everything but I can't. I can't do anything. I'm so helpless. "Niall..." She whimpered.

Her hands were removed from my cheeks and I felt someone pull themselves up on my bed and grab my hand. I felt Haddie shudder sobs. I wanted to cry along with her. I wanted to kiss her and tell her everything will be fine. I wanted to express that I will go to the end of the world and back to get her to remember. She's my princess...I'm the knight in shinning armor. And I will fight the dragon for her. I will fight until I can simply fight no more. She is my princess. And I will never let her down.

************************* AUTHOR'S NOTES ************************

Okay two things:

1) THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR OVER 1,000 READS. HOLY SHIT I LOGGED ON AND SCROLLED DOWN AND SAW THAT AND OMFG I SCREAMED. GOOD THING MY DAD WASNT HOME YET. HOLY SHIZZLE. I CANT guys are the best. nuff said. even though half is prolly from myself aha but you guys did it! thank you so much! i really really do appreciate it especially since my writing is so sucky. 

2) I AM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR NOT BEING ON >.< DONT HATE ME. school has got me wrapped up and also i've had killer writers block. it sucks. but i promise im even going to update this story again once more tonight because a) im itching to write more in this and b) i owe it to you! im really terribly sorry. you still want to read more? because im really sorry. i hope you havent forgotten about so sorry. i hoped you liked it! i dont really know if people in comas can hear things but...Niall's our special leprechaun right? he can do anything! aha anyways VOTE COMMENT READ! thanks you all!!!! MWAH!

-Kate xx

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