Chapter Four

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Niall's P.O.V.

My head hurts like hell. I feel like shit. My mouth has a terrible taste. I opened my eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight. I looked around. Where was I? What happened? I started to sit up which only made me feel worse inside. I finally recognized the living room of Haddie's lake house. I had stains on my shirt. How'd those get there? There were empty beer bottles and cans like everywhere. Scattered here and there. I turned my head and saw Liam standing at the stove, cooking something. I coughed, feeling vomit creeping up, but I just swallowed it. And LET ME TELL YOU...hangover vomit is the worst ever. Seriously. Don't try it. Liam heard me cough and turned around and smiled at the sight of me.

"Morning, Nialler." Liam said with a cheerful voice. That made me sick. No cheerful-ness please. I could go without that right now. I slapped my hand to my forehead, as if I was trying to push my headache out.  "Bad hangover?" Liam guessed. I just glared at him and nodded. He had a 'this-is-why-you-should'nt-get-drunk' kind of look. I just rolled my eyes at him. I laid back on the couch pillow and slowly rolled off the couch, landing hard against the wood floor. 

"Ow..." I moaned. Why did I even fall? Like seriously? Am I THAT hungover? I heard Liam laugh at me. Then I heard deafening footsteps. Liam was above me then and I squinted up at him. He reached out a hand to me, stilling chuckling. I took it and he helped me stand up. Just then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We both looked and saw Haddie. She had crazy bedhead hair and was rubbing her eyes. There was a little vomit on her shirt. Gross. However, she still managed so just about take my breath away. 

"Morning..." She grumbled. I just weakly waved to her but didn't say anything. I didn't have anything to say. Believe it or not, I hadn't forgotten much about last night. I actually remembered like...everything. I especially remember me and Haddie's kiss...and most importantly, I remember Haddie and Harry's kiss. Well more like make out session.

I walked into the bathroom, I needed to get away from Haddie anyways. I don't really want to think about last night right now. But of course my stupid brain decides to remember every detail very vividly. Thanks--not. I remember the feelings I had that night. I also remember the feelings Haddie confessed about Harry. Yeah that was definitely not the best thing to hear right then. Maybe Haddie was just speaking drunken words but it may have been legit. I don't know. I just don't like knowing the fact that even crossed her mind to tell me...

I was staring at myself in the mirror. My tired saddened face. My HUNGOVER self. Man I love drinking...but I totally pay for it in the morning. I ripped off my shirt and before I put on another that was hanging on the hook I looked at myself. I've been working out but I don't have abs like Harry or Liam or Zayn yet. I have a little toning to my abs but I can totally see a difference in my arms. YEAH BUDDIE! Maybe fans will like me now...I've got braces and I'm getting muscles...sure there are tons that 'like me for who i am' but I mean lets face it...I could use some work done to myself. I tell people I don't go to the gym so it doesn't seem so noticeable that I really am. 

I cleared my voice and looked away, trying to stop over-analyzing myself. I tend to do that. I slipped on a clean--well cleaner--shirt and walked out of the bathroom after turning off the light. When I came back into the living room I noticed everyone else was awake. They were all really hungover too. Well of course except for Liam...cuz he was never drunk in the first place.

We ate the lovely eggs Liam made us and then we hit the water. It took us a while to really get back into motion but after some painkillers and some peace we were back on our feet. We started off with some light swimming and chatting and then Haddie took a few of us out on the boat, including me. I watched Louis and Harry struggle on the tube as Haddie whipped them around behind the boat. It was humorous to watch their funny faces. Louis fell off twice...mainly because Harry didn't try and save him. Harry was just worried enough about keeping himself on he didn't even think about helping his best mate from falling off. Luckily the life jackets kept everyone safe.

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