Chapter Three

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Niall's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the back of the jet ski with Haddie in front of me. She was talking with Zayn briefly on when they would all go on the boat next. I was trying to think of how this was going to happen. I'd never been on a jet ski before...I didn't know how this was going to be. I've seen people ride them on TV and such but never before have I ridden one in real life. Don't get me wrong...I'm not scared or anything...I just don't know how this is going to go down. I tightened the straps on my life jacket just for cautionary purposes. Haddie saw me do that out of the corner of her eye and laughed at me. I weakly smiled. She finished her conversation with Zayn and then put her thumb on the red START button. 

"Ready?" She asked with a cheeky smile on my face. Before I could even respond, Haddie started up the jet ski and pressed the trigger all the way in. I immediately grabbed a hold of Haddie's waist...and it honestly felt awkward. We zipped off and started on our way down the narrow passages of the river that was damned up to be a lake. We bounded over some small Pontoon Boat's waves. It wasn't bad at first until we started gaining on a ski boat. Of course Haddie wasn't going to take it easy on me so she gunned it and we bounded over the tall and deep waves. We crashed into the water but Haddie didn't stop. She kept speeding ahead.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed wiping water out of my eyes. I just barely heard Haddie laugh. We bounced over some waves and jetted around corners. It's not too bad once you get used to it. And Haddie's not a bad driver. We both stayed on the jet ski for about 15 minutes. She got the jet ski up to about 70 MPH. That is fast. Believe me. My hair didn't sit right when we slowly pulled back to our dock. The boys laughed at me. I ran my fingers through my blond dyed hair, trying desperately to flatten it out. 

Haddie let Louis and Eleanor take out the jet ski while Haddie worked on getting the boat started up. She tied a flat tube to the back of it. She said we might be able to go 'tubing'? I didn't really know what that was until she described it to us. It's where she pulls us on the boat while people lay on the tube. I was really excited to try it. We waited for Louis and Eleanor to get back, which wasn't long, because it turns out El didn't really like it all that much. 

After that we went on the boat. We stayed on the water getting sun burnt until the sun started to set. We were driving back to the house just as the water was setting behind the trees. Our hair was blowing back in the wind and I couldn't help but notice Haddie.

Okay...I'm going to be honest right now. She's stunning. Her sun-kissed skin and her sun-bleached blond hair...she's seriously beautiful. Okay...honest time's over. I've got to pretend not to like her because I can see the chemistry and the flirting between her and Harry. Sure, since they were--are best friends, they are obviously allowed to have inside jokes with each other...but you should see the way she looks at Harry. I mean I've seen it before. I've tried not to think about it but I know its there. She looks at him with a twinkle in her eye and a beautiful grin plastered to her face. Sure maybe I've got some sort of feelings towards Haddie but I also have a hunch that she has some sort of feelings towards Harry. Like I said...I've been working my ass off trying not to notice it but I've got to tell you that I know its there. And I don't like it.

It was getting much later when the alcohol was brought out. We had a party. I promise you there for like twenty people in that cabin. Of course now that I'm sober as I'm telling you this, there was no one else but the boys and then the three girls. I saw pretty lights and was insane. We played every drunk game you can imagine. Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, Who Would You Do, and most importantly...Spin The Bottle.

We were sitting on the living room floor, most of us drunk as hell, excluding Liam of course. Danielle was buzzed but wasn't wasted like the rest of is were. Zayn, being classy and weird, finished off a wine bottle and we brought out a wooden board (I think it was a bit cutting board) and set it all in front of us. Our rules: There were none. If it was two boys, hey we have 'bromances' its just a kiss. Weird I know...but don't judge us! WE WERE DRUNK. Girls were girls...and let me tell you, from a guy's point of view...watching two girls kiss was pretty hot. And like I said, WE WERE DRUNK. Liam looked at us the whole night with a skeptical expression. He would never understand...especially because he only has one functioning kidney and can't drink. 

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