Chapter Two

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Niall's P.O.V.

I was waiting in the car with Zayn while Harry and Haddie went to find Liam and Louis in the airport. They were waiting for the girls. Zayn was already nodding off and I was checking my phone. Thousands of Twitter mentions...thousands of Facebook gets old after a while. I was playing some game when the van door was suddenly jerked open. My head shot up and the first thing I saw was Haddie's smile. She bounded in with everyone else behind her. I instantly started to smile. 

"Let's go!" Harry exclaimed as he climbed into the driver's seat. 

It was an hour long drive to get there, and Haddie warned us we wouldn't have service there. So I took the quiet time to tell my wonderful Twitter followers that I would have service because I was going to be at a lake house for the week. They went berserk. I guarantee you some of them are already trying to find where we will be. Some might even guess it correctly. But we will be in a remote place and Haddie said it would be very unlikely for anyone to find us. It's funny to watch how many tweets come in the very second you tweet something. I guess you wouldn't really understand unless you're me. Ha. It is still strange to think of myself as 'famous'. I mean I'm just a kid from Mullingar and...okay off topic. No need for my back story now. Wow...maybe I do have Attention Deficit Disorder...OFF TOPIC AGAIN.

We started going down this really rocky path. It bounced me out of my random thoughts. We passed some houses with boats outside and a lot of kids. Luckily, they were too young to really know who we are. I think. I hope...We pulled around a bend and Haddie pointed ahead. There was a gravel driveway leading down to a beautiful cabin. It had a green tin roof and a log foundation. There were no cars in the driveway. There was grass out to the left an a smaller cabin to the right. However, it looked vacant so that was a relief. 

We got our things out of the trunk and Haddie led us onto the front porch. She unlocked the door and let us in. It was narrow at first and then it let out to a large living room with a kitchen next to it. Farther into the house let out to a large screened-in porch facing the water. To the right was a bathroom with a connecting master. Directly in front of the door, a little ways away, was a staircase leading to a basement that Haddie told us housed a bunk room to the right and a living/dining space to the right which was typically meant for her younger cousins. Above the master and the bathroom to the right was a loft that had one bathroom and a large room with four beds in it. There was no immediate ceiling above the living room, just empty space. It's a beautiful space. Surprised I described all that so well? Yeah me too...

Haddie had us put our things into the large bedroom upstairs and then we all met back into the living room. I sat on the couch next to Liam and Danielle. The others stood or sat in the two available recliners. Haddie came into the living room from the basement and clasped her hands together.

"Alright! Now that we are settled in...let's go out to the water!" She suggested. Louis jumped up and made a weird grunting noise that I believe was supposed to mean 'yeah' but it was unclear to us all. We all got dressed in our swimsuit and Haddie led us down the wooden steps down to the dock. Connected to the small wooden dock was a blue boat and a blue jet ski. There were also several floats and several life jackets. I was halfway down the steps when my stomach growled. I stopped in my tracks.

"Shit guys...I haven't eaten in ages. I NEED FOOD." I announced. Liam, who was in front of me, turned around and glared at me.

"Niall we ate two hours ago. Calm down." He warned me. I just scoffed at him and turned around. I started to walk up the steps back towards the cabin.

"I'll go with him." I heard Haddie tell the others, followed by her light footsteps jogging up to follow me. When the steps broke to the backyard grass Haddie had caught up beside me. She smiled up at me and I smiled down at her. We walked up the basement stairs in silence until we got to the kitchen. "So what do you want?" Haddie asked me. I thought for a moment, inspecting what was already out to see. I opened the refrigerator and looked inside. I pulled out a beer and some funky looking dip. It was really colorful so I might be able to try it. Haddie saw me pulling out the beer and clicked her tongue. "Tsk, tsk, tsk...Niall, you're in America drinking age is 21..." She warned jokingly. 

"Oh what the one's gonna see me." I told her, popping it open on the corner of the table. I felt the disgusting taste slide down my throat as I took my first gulp. It's worse than normal. I made a face. "Is this DIET or something!?" I asked. Haddie laughed at me. 

"It's Bud Lite Lime." She told me pointing to the label. I made another face. "Just drink it! It gets better." I shot her a 'you drink?' kind of look. She caught my drift. "Oh I I've heard." She told me with a wink. Honestly...I swear I think my heart fluttered. I don't heart flutters at the sight of food so it could mean anything. I grabbed some chips and juggled the dip, the chips, and my beer as we walked back down to the dock.

Eleanor and Danielle were already in their bathing suits tanning on the deck. The rest of the boys were in the water, dunking each other and acting like idiots. Haddie followed me down and i sat at the very end of the dock, flinging my legs into the cool water. Man it felt so good.

Of course now Harry Styles had to go and be a dick and splashed water directly on me and my precious food. I sat my beer down and dove into the water, shirt still on, and tackled him. I pushed him under the water but Harry pushed back at me and brought us both above the surface. We were splashing around until Daddy Direction came and separated us. 

"DON'T TOUCH MY FOOD!" I yelled at Harry. And yes...I was serious. No one touches my precious babies. And YES I am THAT obsessed about food. The thing is...Harry knows how I feel about my food...yet he does something like that. I don't understand. That kid needs to find his brain somewhere beneath those crazy curls.

By the time I broke out of my angry daze I realized that everyone was laughing at us. Well Harry was laughing they were laughing at me. I climbed up the ladder and returned to my food. I tried to find whatever was salvageable. I managed to finish most of it and drank all of my one beer. I was about to turn back and get another upstairs, (which, like Haddie said, did get better the more I drank it) but Haddie was already offering me a second. I smiled up at her and gladly accepted it, popping of the top and taking a deep swig. Man this stuff is gross. I was peeling off my shirt, about reading to head into the water, when I heard Haddie speak. 

"Alright! Who's first on the jet ski with me?" She asked. Immedietaly, not really thinking, I yanked off my shirt and raised my hand. She smiled and walked over to the jet ski. That's when I realized I would be behind Haddie...on a jet ski...holding onto her waist. And yes...I thought about it in the romantical way. Well shit this is going to do nothing but confuse my already mixed up emotions.

************************************ AUTHOR'S NOTE ***********************************

Okay so YES I am new to this and YES I realize it isn't as good yet but hang in there! im trying!!! Struggling, but trying!!! so please like this!!! i mean if i get one simple LIKE i would flip shit. Also you can personal message me if you wanna! also if you comment thatll make my world go round! hahahaha thanks guuuuiiissseeee!!!! :D

-Kate xx

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