Chapter Nine

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up and it was really dark outside. There was dim moonlight coming through the tiny slits in the blinds on the windows. I looked down and Haddie was asleep in my arms. Wait. Haddie was asleep in my arms. Is this really happening?! I instantly smiled. I brought my hand up and gently brushed her hair out of her face. She sleeps like an angel. She looks like an angel. She moved slightly and I froze. I really didn't want her to wake up. But she stayed asleep just nuzzled her head closer to me. Damn this is perfection. You can't get any better than this.

"Niall! You're awake..." I heard someone whisper beside me. I turned and I saw Louis sitting on the parallel bed. I didn't even know he was here...the fuck? When did he get here?! Damn...embarrassing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked quietly, sure not to wake up my sleeping beauty...

"We've been looking for you guys...we didn't want to interrupt at first but then after three hours we got a little worried you guys might be doing...something." Louis said hinting around the edges. I rolled my eyes. "But turns out you just fell asleep. Anyways...Chelsea is driving us crazy, mate." My eyes widened. I completely forgot she was even here. "She's just...weird and telling us crazy things and being a diva and...I can't stand her anymore. I can understand why you aren't talking to her anymore." Louis was strangely the only person I had spilled everything about Chelsea to. I was going to tell the rest of the boys but the tour came and...things just got in the way.

"Sorry..." I started. I didn't want to leave this moment with Haddie though...I looked pleadingly at Louis but he looked desperate for me to kick out Chelsea. So I started to sit up. I was watching Haddie the entire time. Her eye lids fluttered open and she looked up at me. She started to smile but then I guess she realized all that had happened and moved away quickly. That's when she saw Louis. Her face flushed

"I--I'm...this isn't..." She stuttered. Then she realized she didn't have a full explanation so she just jumped off the bed and darted out the room. Louis stared at me.

"She's a keeper mate. Runs off after she sleeps in your arms...nice one." Louis said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed. Louis followed me out the room and I walked down the stairs to the living room. Everyone was sitting around there looking terribly bored while Chelsea sat in the middle of them all laughing at her story as if it was really funny. Which I'm sure it wasn't.

"Oh...Niall." Chelsea said when she saw me coming down the stairs. She had a tricking twinkle in her eye. Something about her has really changed since I last saw her...she's so much more maniacal she's out to destroy me. But why? What did I do to her? Never mind... "You're up...finally." Chelsea said with a smirk.

I looked away and landed on the main floor from the stairs. I glanced onto the screened in porch right in front of the stairs and saw Haddie swinging on the big porch swing. I stopped and looked at her for a moment. She was looking at the wood pannel floor, looking...nervous? Sad, perhaps? Louis pushed me forward and snapped me out of my trance. Louis passed me and went to sit by Eleanor. She smiled as he walked over to her. It was sweet. 

"I was just telling everyone that--" Chelsea started to say. Okay time to deal with this. Time to get her out of here. I cut her off.

"Chelsea can I talk to you outside please?" I asked her. Everyone else in the room looked shocked. I glared at Chelsea.

"I don't know...can you?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes and started down the basement stairs. I heard Chelsea following me as I opened the door to the basement. I walked out and waited in the grass just in front of below the outside deck. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" Chelsea asked me after I heard a door slam. I crossed my arms over my chest and then whipped around to where I was facing her.

"You need to leave." I snapped at her. She looked shocked at first...but then she just raised on of her eyebrows and stepped closer to me. She matched my stance and glared back at me.

"Niall I can't let you go. I came here to fix my mistakes." She told me. She took a few steps closer to me. Her face relaxed and all of a sudden she looked...desperate? "Niall, I messed up." She told me a hint of pain in her voice. For once she seemed...real. And not this fake shit she's been putting on. "I've been in love with you since...forever and knowing that you hate breaks my heart." Chelsea was saying. What's that feeling in the pit of my stomach?! Compassion?! No...not possible... "I'm so sorry about all that I did...I was crazy. I know that now. Please just...give me another chance." Chelsea stepped closer to me until she was right in front of me. She was on the brink of tears. I looked away...I can't believe this. Something told me that she was just playing me again. But something else was telling me that she was being completely serious. That she wasn't playing me.

When I looked back up to Chelsea to say something I wasn't able to. Because that's when Chelsea unexpectedly kissed me.

******************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******************************

Hope you liked the cliffhanger! Okay so apparently I'm not a good writer or whatever so like I'm going to have to ask for like 3 comments and 3 votes for me to continue or I just won't. I guess that no one really wants me to continue or whatever. So yeah. Want me to keep going? Comment and vote. Thanks guys...don't forget to check out Relocating 1D I'll be doing the same ultimatum thing there so...thanks I guess... :/

-Kate xx

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