Chapter 41

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"Ma'am, it's 6 already

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"Ma'am, it's 6 already. If you don't leave now, you'll be late.", Lisa informed me.

"What? It's 6?", I asked shocked, looking at the wall clock of my office.

Damn! I'm late. Mom's gonna kill me.

"Go home and rest, Lisa. Tomorrow is an important day. I'll see you directly at the venue. And yes, ask Carson to get the car ready by the time I reach down.", I screamed rushing out of my office towards the elevator.

The elevator ride was fifteen minutes long.

Sometimes I really consider shifting my office from 60th floor to 3rd or 4th floor!

"Good evening, ma'am.", Carson greeted me while opening the back door of my car.

"Hey, Carson. Hurry up please. West Mansion.", I ordered him.

He nodded and got in the driver's seat.

I closed my eyes and leaned back.

I couldn't believe how much my life had changed in the past two years, after I and Aaron confessed our love for each other in the hospital.

We became more affectionate towards each other. Though we'd never accepted it in public that we were dating, the media still knows it. We'd been spotted together at many places together.

I even got extremely close to Aaron's parents, especially Henley, his, or should I say, our mom. Yes, she asked me to call her mom when she told me to join their weekly dinner at their place around a year ago.

Henley hosted a dinner every Sunday and Aaron, Aish and I had to be there, no matter how busy we were.

And yes, if you're wondering, we did find Kelley, two months after the crash. She was in a small village in China, hiding. When the police brought her back to New York, she was in a very bad condition. Her obsession over Aaron had increased and when she saw me, she tried attacking me again but the officers controlled her.

Seeing her so desperate to get Aaron broke my heart. I never liked her but I'd never hated her too. She didn't deserve that life. So, Aaron and I decided that we won't be pressing charges against her. Aaron also made sure she got a good physiologist. It took her about eighteen months to get back to normal. She even apologized to me and Aaron after her treatment finished.

The last I heard from her was three months ago. She was in Bali. She started her own water sports complex there. Me and her were not exactly friends but we were not on bad terms either.

"Ma'am, we're here.", Carson's voice jerked my eyes open.

"Thank you. You can go home now. I won't be needing you today."

I opened my car door and made my way inside the mansion.

I checked my watch. It was twenty five minutes past six.

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