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"Dr. Paige, you need to look at this." Teresa said in a half daze, surprised by the information flooding her screen. "Y/N's been hurt, but look at Newt's levels."

"Extraordinary," The doctor exclaimed. Never, ever before in all of the experiments they had done on the kill zone had she seen such vibrant mapping in a subjects mind. This was something she couldn't let get away, no matter the cost. "I have an idea, Teresa. It may be one you don't like, but it could work."

"What is it?" She asked. Even though Teresa's loyalty now lied with WICKED and the pursuit of a cure, these were still her friends. She still cared about them and their wellbeing. It killed her everyday to see Minho in the condition he was in...but it was all for the greater good. Right?

"We could cut their connection." Ava said plainly. "If a wound this extreme to Y/N caused his mind to light up like this, imagine what it would look like if we separate them? He would be frantic, and as we know, fear has been the greatest catalyst to getting results here, especially with Minho in the simulations."

"But won't that—" Teresa fretted.

"Yes, it would leave Newt susceptible to the flare and he'd likely contract it within minutes." She explained. "However, wouldn't that leave Thomas desperate for a cure?"

Teresa weighed her options. Nothing seemed ideal in this scenario, but it held so much promise. They could gain a lot of information from Newt if they cut the connection and it would likely bring Thomas right to their doorstep. "It would..."

Dr. Paige seemed to waste no time. "I'll take care of the connection. You look after getting Thomas here."


"WHERE IS SHE?" Newt's voice blew through the halls of the compound like an atomic bomb sweeping an empty field. He clutched his arm close to his chest as he limped through the halls, tears in his eyes. This hurt him in more ways than one.

"Over here!" Frypans voice hollered out from down a long hallway and Newt raced right for him. When he filtered into a small room, there was Y/N. She was writhing around on a cot, her left arm holding firm over her right, blood still seeping out despite her tight grip. Her eyes were shut tight and teeth were barred.

A medic was working frantically to gather supplies and kept yelling at Y/N to keep firm pressure on her arm. That was when Newt stepped in and put his hands over hers to help keep the grip over the wound. Her eyes flew open and locked onto his. It looked as if at any moment she was going to faint, but Newt made sure she never shut her eyes. It was tearing him apart to hold onto her arm when his own was searing with agony, but he held on. He wasn't letting go. Not now, not ever.

The doctor finally pushed Newt away and went to work on Y/N's arm. Though she had held strong up until now, Y/N finally broke. Hollow cries of pain left her lungs and even though she tried to hold them back, it was impossible. That was when Newt knew something was wrong. She was screaming from the pain, but his felt like it was getting better.

Newt stepped back, blood on his hands. They began to shake.

It felt as if all of the nerves in his body had short-circuited. His vision went fuzzy. Thomas and Brenda were now the ones holding Y/N's arm and Gally's muffled screams rattled his skull. Despite it all, Newt stood unmoving.

"You okay, Newt?" Frypan asked, worried about his now pale faced friend. The words knocked him out of his daze. "You're feeling it too, aren't you?"

"I-I'm not..." Newt croaked, his heart rate escalating so high he thought it was going to burst out of his chest. The boy clawed at his chest as if he would be able to grab his heart and began to hyperventilate.

Frypan grabbed Newt's shoulders and made him look him dead in the eyes. "What do you mean? Don't you guys feel everything the other does?"

Newt blinked a couple of times. "We're supposed to..."

Without even realizing, standing there, over twenty minutes had passed. The loud voices had settled, the people rushing around slowed, and Y/N laid quietly. Newt already felt different. He felt sick, in more ways than one. Finally coming to his senses, he went and sat on the edge of Y/N's cot.

"How you holding up?" She asked, voice hoarse and dry. "Sorry you have to feel it too."

"I—I can't feel it." He nearly choked on his words. "I can't feel anything."

"Newt?" Y/N's heart dropped. "What's going on?"

"I think she cut the connection." He whimpered.

Now, Y/N felt it too. Her chest wasn't so heavy anymore. It was missing Newt's worry and hurt that she'd gotten so used to over the years. He wasn't there with her. The void feeling nearly made her physically ill.

"I—It's going to be okay? Alright?" Y/N reached up to grab Newt's arm but she fell back down onto the cot, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from screaming in agony.

"We're going to fix this." She said breathlessly, trying to catch the eyes of a pale faced, panicked Newt. "Okay? We're going to fix this."

Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now