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"You ok shuckface?" Minho suddenly came to notice that the boy he sat beside had fallen silent. His face was completely pale and eyes were cloudy, hands rubbing his kneecaps. The runner wasn't sure if it was because he was nervous, or if it had to do with Y/N and Newt's weird voodoo connection thing.

Newt stared hard at the table as he let the seconds pass, just waiting for Y/N to finally show up. He knew sitting there, he was completely unmoving and lifeless purely due to the petrification he felt. Y/N had always told him not to worry, and she would make sure to signal him if she was really hurt. He couldn't help but worry, though. Being asked not to fear what had happened to the girl anytime he felt pain was like asking a starving wolf to simply stare at the meal before it's eyes. It was impossible.

"Newt!" Minho jabbed the boy's ribs this time, making sure to break him from his delirium. "I said, you good man?"

"Uhh," Newt tried to clear his conscience. "I'm ok, I don't think Y/N is."

Minho leaned closer, sharing in Newt's concern. If there was anyone who believed Y/N could take care of herself, it was Minho. But in this place, with all these weird people and guards, he had his doubts. There was only so much one person could do to hold their own against fully armoured guards with guns. "Why? What's up?"

"She's hurt." Newt admitted. "Wrists and knees for sure." The boy rotated his wrists, wincing all along.

"Sounds like she tripped." Minho snickered. "Wouldn't put it past her, y'know, she's clumsy like that."

"Oh, shut up." Newt snarled. "She could be in danger."

Minho sighed, turning his body to face Newt. He raised his brows and pursed his lips. "We were in trouble since the moment we got here. Especially with you two having a bounty worth god knows how much hanging over your heads."

"They don't know who we are yet. How could they know there's people who want us?" Newt questioned.

The dark haired boy let out a sharp exhale. Newt groaned. For someone who could be beyond stupid sometimes, he didn't have the right to act like he knew everything. Yet, the runner still did it. "If WICKED wants you guys, don't you think some other shucks out there will know about that? And want you too?"

Newt took a moment to think about it. Minho probably was right. Something valuable wasn't just valuable to one person, it was to many.

"In case that don't make sense, let me simplify." Minho raised his hands. "Take me for example: Perfect, so all the girls want me. I'm gold in all of their eyes, not just a few."

"Bloody hell, Minho." Newt grimaced. "That's the worst, most narcissistic analogy you've ever spewed from your mouth."

"At least it's relevant." He scoffed, turning back to his food, shrugging Newt off.

There again, in the silence, Newt's thoughts spiralled in his head for nearly an hour. Y/N never showed. He panicked. Where was she?

What made everything worse was how the pain grew worse as time went on, and his body ached in new places. His right shoulder, arms, even places on his abdomen and legs. Not only that, but his chest felt heavy. This was more than just something physical. Something or someone had hurt her, from the inside. She was in danger, and he knew it. He'd known it all along.

"C'mon, Newt!" A voice cried while a pair of arms was lifting him up from his seat. "They're taking us to our bunks." Thomas explained as Minho held his limp body, helping him stand straight. Now, all of the sudden, Newt regretted not having eaten his food, being so consumed with worry about Y/N.

"Wait!" Newt shouted. "We can't leave! Y/N isn't here yet!"

His squeaky, broken voice most definitely caught the attention of his friends. Never, ever, did Newt sound weak or broken. But right here and now, he did. "We can't leave without her!"

"Hey, chill out man." Minho tugged Newt along. The runner knew better than to meddle with these guards. He liked to think he could take anyone, but these guys were big and had guns. That was a big no no.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Newt held his ground, fighting against Minho. One of the guards attention was caught and stopped the group.

Of course, like some magical, all knowing entity, Janson showed up. He pushed past the guards and walked right up to Newt. "You'll be with her soon. The doctors tests ran a little later than we had initially anticipated, so she is already in your bunks."

Newt was furious. He wanted to punch and disfigure the Rat Man's already imperfect, grotesque nose and scream in his face. Y/N was hurt. He and the doctors had something to do with it, too. "Then why's she hur—"

"What was that?" Janson tilted his head in question. "Do continue."

The blonde boy knew Janson was intrigued. Too intrigued. He wasn't going to speak.

"You two seem to share quite the connection. Is that why you're so worried?" Janson asked, more in a teasing kind of way than an actual question.

Newt's face remained placid and he refused to speak. Janson had admitted she was already in their bunks, so he'd just meet here there and find out for himself what was going on.

"Alright," Janson turned away from Newt with a glare in his eyes. "Carry on. Take them to their bunks."

All of the Gladers were carelessly tossed into the dark room. The lights were out, the room pitch black since no one cared to locate where the light switch was before the door got slammed shut. Some boys stumbled around blindly, Minho and a few others were on a mission to find the lights and Newt was solely set on locating Y/N. They said she was in here, and god forbid if they had lied. Because, if they had, Newt was surely going to blow up.

Finally, Minho found the lights and hollered as if he'd made some great discovery. No one really congratulated him on his victory and claimed beds before they were all gone. Realizing they were disappearing quickly, Minho took the last top bunk as soon as possible and remained there, refusing to risk losing his spot. Thomas was talking to a few people, trying to calm them down.

Newt, still, however was looking for Y/N. He looked in all of the beds, under them and in every corner and closet. Giving up hope, he ran his hands through his hair. Turning around in circles in distress, he saw something he hadn't seen yet. To the right of the main door was another, a small one that likely led to some kind of smaller room. Y/N was either in there, or not here at all.

Newt pushed past a few boys clogging up the room and right to the door. He opened it to find her standing there, crying.

"I'm sorry—" She muttered out though short, broken breaths. "I'm—"

"Hey," Newt looked back quickly to see if any of the boys had followed him or not. It didn't seem like they had, so carefully, he shut the door. "It's ok. Just sit, alright?"

Y/N did as he said, sitting on the floor with him in front of her. Carefully, he took up her shaky hands. They were cold to the touch. Newt's heart lurched when he saw her bruised knuckles. In seconds he was filled with more agony and vexation than ever before, or he thought possible. He was both furious at himself for not having been there when this had all happened, but also at the people who had done it to her.

"What happened?" Newt forced the words out.

Y/N pursed his lips and swallowed hard. "They took Teresa away. I tried to stop them, saying she should stay here with us. But they wouldn't listen. So I...well..."

"Really did indeed try to stop them," Newt almost stifled a laugh at the girls reckless nature. The thought of her trying to take down a few guards on her own must've been one hell of a sight. "Is that why my knees and wrists hurt first? Did they push you?"

"Yeah," Y/N smiled weakly.

"Right," Newt sighed, pushing some of the girls hair behind her ear. "Lets get you cleaned up and then we'll talk with Thomas. Sound alright?"

Y/N nodded, rubbing her tired, red eyes. Her body may have been bruised, but her heart held strong. Newt knew because he could feel it. That heavy weight on his chest had seemingly lifted since he opened that door and found her sitting there. Tonight would be a long night, but in the very least, she was alive and here with the rest of the Gladers.

Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now