Way Station

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Of all things to wake to, Newt was shaken awake by Minho screaming in his face. The helicopter had landed, that much was obvious, since the cabin of the craft was no longer swaying back and fourth. It was also nighttime, making Newt question how long he'd really been asleep for.

His first thought was to reach for Y/N. But, the spot beside him, where she had once been, was empty. The boys finally steadied heart rate was now back up, beating at twice as many beats a minute than should be possible.

"C'mon, we gotta go!!" Minho was hollering even louder than before, tugging at the collar of Newt's shirt violently. The blonde wasn't sure what the rush was, but he figured it was best he didn't question it.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked frantically as he allowed for Minho to practically drag him like a rag doll out of the helicopter.

Minho started pulling the boy with the limp through the sand. "She's up ahead with Frypan and Winston! Let's go!"

In the distance, Newt heard wails. They were distinctly human in a disturbing kind of way. Those must have been the Cranks. On their ride here, one of the masked men pointed out of the helicopter to bodies limbering through the sand, explaining what exactly the Cranks were and the danger they posed. Of course, the guards ensured everyone was now safe in their hands, but Newt wasn't so sure about that. All of the stories they'd been told about these things made it seem like they were ruthless, and nothing short of invincible. Not only that, but the Gladers may have been immune to the flare, but a crank could still kill.

Next thing everyone knew, they were being huddled into the cargo bay of a large, warehouse like facility, a massive vault door slamming closed behind them. For a moment, they all stood dazed, eyes adjusting to the light before a voice met their ears. It was a man, one with peppered grey hair and an unsightly nose. Some distant familiarity flickered in Newt's mind but he couldn't quite place it.

"You kids doing alright?" He asked, a smug smile on his face. In a quick flicker, he looked to Newt, then across the group to Y/N who stood close to Minho's side. An apparent sense of relief washed over him before he continued to speak. "Sorry about all the fuss. We had ourselves a bit of a swarm."

"Who are you?" Thomas jutted in, standing at the front of the group. If it wasn't obvious before, that he was the leader of this group, it was now.

A smug, sarcastic smile rose on the mans face. "I'm the reason you're all still alive."

Y/N and the others most certainly didn't want to believe that, but in a sense, they had to. It was true, they had rescued them from the maze and gotten them out of the scorch safely. If it hadn't been for them, who knows where the Gladers would be now. In the hands of the wrong people? Dead? If they'd escaped falling into the wrong hands, they weren't even sure if these people were good yet. So far, it seemed like they were against WICKED, but there was no proof. As far as Minho and Thomas could tell, this guy who was acting like a god seemed awful interested in Newt and Y/N. And in an obvious way, too. His eyes always shifted between the two as if he was trying to put together a puzzle in his mind.

"And," The man added. "It's my intention to keep you that way."

Slowly, he backed up with open arms. "Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away."

A few of the Gladers looked to one another with uncertainty, while the others looked to Thomas to see what he did. Of course, with curiosity getting the better of him, the brown haired boy agreed to follow this man out of the cargo bay and deeper into the facility.

"You can call me Mr. Janson," The man began to explain as he walked carefully, weaving through scaffolding and open work sites in the floor. "I run this place."

From above, sparks fell down near the gladers, Janson warning them a little too late. A few sparks fell onto Minho's shoulders and Newt watched in jealousy as Y/N wiped them off. He wasn't sure why she hadn't come to walk with him yet. Why was she sticking with Minho and Thomas? Did she not feel safe enough around him? Was she finally realizing he wasn't good enough? Newt knew he was letting himself get inside of his own head again, but he couldn't help it. The thought of losing his best friend, the girl he was secretly head over heels for, tore his heart apart.

"For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world." Janson said. The world horrors caught Newt's attention. The outside world was awful? At least he wasn't some scientists lab rat and had to share pain with someone else. "You all should think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes."

Thomas shuddered at the word home. He, nor did the other Gladers know what a real home was, or remember having one before the maze. The closest thing they knew to home was the Glade, because that was all they knew.

"That mean you're taking us home?" Thomas asked curiously.

Janson looked back while continued to walk forwards. That same smug smile that made Newt's guts churn was plastered on his face. There was more to this guy than what met the eye, and he knew it. "A home of sorts."

"Sadly, there won't be much left of wherever you came from. But, we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside of the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again." Janson added.

Newt could care less. No one even remembered where they were from, so what did it matter? This Janson guy was either really getting on his nerves, or Newt was more hungry and sleep deprived than he thought he was. Maybe, it was a combination of both. That, or he was missing Y/N. The past few days had been rough, non-stop and made it impossible to spend time with one another.

"How does that sound?" Janson asked.

Newt wanted to say shoddy, but he decided against it. They were offering them shelter, food, beds and clean clothes. It was best not to make enemies with his host before he knew it was justified.

"Why are you helping us?" Minho piped up, Y/N smacking his arm lightly. Apparently, she had the same view as Newt on all of this: stay on good terms with the host for as long as possible. That was even regardless of how much they hated his slimy, devious smile.

Janson stifled a laugh. "Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus...makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival." He explained. "Unfortunately, that makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed."

The group slowed down as they approached yet another vault looking door. This time, Newt caught up to Y/N and Minho standing just behind them. Gently, he tapped Y/N's shoulder just to let her know he was there. She looked back quickly, smiled, and then turned back to face Janson.

"Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives." With one quick swipe of a key card, the door flew upwards. Before them opened up a long, hollow hallway that seemed to go on forever. "First things first...let's do something about that smell."

At the end of the hall, two doors stood tall before them. Janson started directing the boys into one of the doors, and just as Y/N was about to enter, he stopped her. Kindly, he pointed to the door on the left and nodded. Y/N furrowed her brows in question, but before she could speak up, Newt did so for her.

"Where's she going?" He snapped, grabbing Y/N's shoulder.

Janson tilted his head and smiled. "Well, it is protocol here that males and females shower in separate quarters. Y/N and the other girl will be just fine, and will meet you on the other side."

Newt almost fell for Janson's words, until he came to a realization. "How do you know her name?"

Janson momentarily froze and Newt could see the hesitation. "One of your friends, the tall dark haired boy, called her name earlier."

"Right," Newt barred his teeth. He could feel Y/N's arm on his own, trying to calm him down, but it wasn't exactly working.

"I assure you, everything will be just fine." Janson said.

With that, Newt gave way and left Y/N and Teresa to head their separate ways. 

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