It Was WICKED, Not You

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Newt jolted awake. So violently so, that when his eyes finally adjusted to the light, all of his friends were staring at him with worry. Groggily, and with an impossibly stiff body, Newt finally sat up and peered around. Everyone was accounted for but two. Winston was still in godawful shape after having been attacked by the Cranks. Newt hated to think about it, but Winston didn't have much longer.

Thomas and Y/N were the only ones not sitting with the rest of the group, taking shelter beneath some kind of old concrete ruin in the scorch. They were now out of the city, but a far ways off from the mountains.

Minho was the first to take notice to Newt glancing around their makeshift camp curiously. "They're over there," The runner pointed towards a large dune which faced out towards the mountains and the unfortunately long stretch of dry earth between them. "Dunno what they're talking about. But you'd probably better go find out."

"Yeah," Newt stood up and began to stagger off through the sand. As he walked, he wondered if Y/N could feel the same throbbing in her ankle as he could. After all of the trekking and running for their lives in the past few days, Newt was begging to feel the effects. At this point, however, he hardly knew when Y/N was feeling the same pain as he. Of course, he knew she must be feeling it since they were still connected, but she never let it show.

Still connected. That reminded Newt of his dream. It had been an awful long time since he had a clear, strong dream such as the one he just had. Trying to think about everything that happened in it though, gave him a headache. Or, maybe, that was just the preexisting dehydration and exhaustion.

Sure enough, Thomas and Y/N stand on top of the sand dune Minho had directed him towards. In his opinion, they stood a little too close.

Newt didn't think he was feeling jealous. That was, until Y/N turned around to meet his eyes directly. The look on her face told him she could feel what he was feeling, and that was jealousy. Sometimes, all it took was a look from Y/N to make him realize what it was he was actually feeling inside. Worry? He was probably feeling more dejected than normal. Surprise? He was probably happier than Y/N had ever felt him be.

Y/N waved the boy over. As he began to walk, he noticed how Y/N shifted her weight off of her bad leg. Now, he was entirely sure she was still feeling the same pain.

"You sleep alright?" Y/N asked, taking the liberty of trying to reshuffle the mess of hair on Newt's head. He simply groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Could've been worse," He admitted. "What are you two doing out here?"

"Trying to figure out how long it'll be before we get to the edge of the mountains." Y/N let out a heavy sigh. Newt had eyes as well, and the answer was obvious. It was going to take a long time to get there. Longer than the resources they had would allow for.

"Great, but Thomas can do that on his own, can't he? I need to talk to you." Newt rushed his words.

Y/N tilted her head in question. "Uh—yeah, ok." She took a step forward to leave with Newt, but Thomas grabbed her arm.

It didn't take long for Newt to realize Y/N wasn't walking along with him. He looked back, Thomas' eyes were on the ground and Y/N's were glancing back and fourth between the boys. "Something wrong?" Newt asked.

"I need to talk to Y/N," Thomas began.

"You've been standing here quite a while and had all the time you could've needed! What now do you have to say that can't wait?" Newt barked. He wished he hadn't forced out the words so harshly, but here in the scorch, he was having a difficult time keeping his cool. He was scared, tired and frustrated.

Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now