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"Kian hurry up" I yelled into his room since people where starting to get here.

"Wait" he yelled

"No" I yelled back and now everybody is looking at me thinking I'm talking to a door.

"KIAN" I yelled an he opened the door.

"That took you forever" I said looking at him.

"I know" he said smirking.

"Let's go" I said smiling grabbing his hand.


"Jay, where's Kian" I asked her

"I don't fucking know" she said

"Somebody's drunk" I mumbled

"What!" she yelled and I just walked away.

She won't know any different tomorrow.

"Hey girl hey" Bethany said

"Hey bethers!" I said hugging her

"I love your bow" she said putting her hands up in surrender

"Thanks, I have to go find Kian" I said laughing a bit

"And Connor is over there" I said pointing and she laughed and smiled.

I honestly don't know anyone else that pretty I mean.. there's nothing on her face... like what?!

"Jenn!" I said hugging her and smiling

"Hey" she said

"Have you seen Kian?" I asked

"He's somewhere with Jc I think" she said

"Thanks Jenn" I said smiling.

Where would Kian and JC be...

The roof...

I ran up to there little area and there I found Jc and Kian.

"What are you fatasses doing up here! there's a party down there!" I said

Kian rolled off the bed and Jc laughed.

"He's drunk isn't he" I asked

"Yep" Jc answered

"This was a pretty cool idea Jc" I said smiling looking up at the stars

"Ya... me and Lia used to sit up here..." he said looking at the stars.

I didn't speak then.

Then I just kinda ended up falling asleep I think...

A/N okay so y'all know the thing called school it sucks! yesterday was my birthday! Happy birthday JC and happy early birthday to Connor, yes it goes 10,11,12 😂😏 so I was think id update every Saturday and/or Sunday?! Tank Q

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now