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"Kian I know, I'm sorry I really am" I said to Kian and hurt filled his eyes and he just wrinkled his face in a hurt way.

"I wish I could say it's okay Heather, but it's not, you are acting like nothing is wrong with your best friend and you've left your boyfriend behind, just for someone else, it hurts, it would hurt Jay to..." Kian said

I said nothing as I walked him walk away.

'He's right' something inside of me told me.

'I've been trying to get away from all of this and I shouldn't, I left Kian for the Dead and I forgot about him and went to Jc, this would hurt Jay, a bunch' it said again I sat at the kitchen counter and rested my head in my crossed arms.

Then I heard footsteps.

"Why do I even bother, you know, this happens tho nobody, you don't meet the kid you see through the screen and date him, I've messed that up, and it was cool while I had this in my life, someone, caring... that actually didn't abuse me" I said outloud to myself.

"What?" I heard a voice that sounded like Kian.

I looked up at Kian.

"Nothing, you wouldn't care" I said getting up and walking towards the front door.

Then Kian grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Heather, I always care, I have never not cared, so don't even play this game, I love you, I always will" he said moving closer to me.

I hugged him and smiled

'That's better' that voice inside me said as I smiled.

"I love you to Kian" I said and he pulled away from the hug.

"I remember the first time I met you, when you fell down and Jc had to tickle Jay just so she would talk..." he said looking at me.

I nodded and smiled


Then he leaned in and kissed me I paused and brought him over to the couch

(Oh yes, NOPE!)

Then I kissed him once more.

I smiled.

I flipped Kian over and turned on the tv so now I had my head on Kians chest and I'm completely on top of Kian and he put a blanket over my back.

I smiled and then my phone buzzed.

I looked at it and it was Jc

'Be home in a bit, went to see Jay, she's doing a bit better'

I smiled.

"What" Kian asked

"Jc said Jay is doing better" I said and he nodded and smiled.

"Good" he said and continued watching whatever he was watching.

Then I fell asleep.


I woke up and Kian was sleeping so I woke him up, I mean it was comfortable, but his bed is better.

"Kian" I said poking him

"What" he groaned

"Let's go upstairs" I said

"Why" he said

"Because, it's better" I said

"Nooo" he said

"Kian please" I said and he picked me up and brought me upstairs and I took off my shirt so I had on my sports bra and my shorts are fine.

Kian basically through me on the bed and took of his jean shorts and shirt and collapsed into bed.

I laughed a bit and kissed him head and turned off the lights and fell asleep right next to Kian.


I woke up and Kian wasn't there so I walked downstairs and he wasn't there either.

He will be back.

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now