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(Before boys leaving)

"JC? I don't want you to leave" I said cuddling into his shirt

"I wish I didn't need to and I was just a normal guy that didn't have you leave you... it's not fair to you" He said.


"I better leave..." I said getting off the couch

"I should probably sleep" he said laughing a bit.

We walked over to the door.

"I'll see you in a few months" I said

"I guess" he said shrugging

"Bye" I said hugging him

"Bye" he said in a low tone.

I walked out and shut the door and started walking home.

Jc yelled something

"WAIT" he yelled.

He jogged up to me.

Then he kissed me

"Bye" he said sighing and smiling.

"Bye" I said and a tear rolled down my cheek

Then he walked away.

I turned around and watched him walk away.

"Bye" I whispered.




Kian's gone, the boys are gone, back to what it was, for months... you don't know what he could be doing there...

It's not the same.

I grabbed my phone and there was a message from Kian.

'Heather, I love you, don't count the days because I will be and you can have fun, you'll be alright and so will I, I'll be home before you know it'

'No you won't' I answered.


(2 months later)

I don't do what Kian had told me at the beginning of when he left, I do the opposite of fun, I sit in my room and go on Instagram and Tumblr and WeHeartIt and everything nothing better to do.

Look at picture of me and Kian.

Go on twitter and see what the fans post of Kian or me or Kian and me.

'Looks like keather has been split up for, months?'

'#keather ;('

They think we broke up...

Then this one picture got me.

Kian was with some chick.

That particular chick happened to be kissing him.

'Rest in peace #Keather ? someone explain?' was the main comment.

I went on it and commented

'Me and Kian didn't break up... it see he's moved on' and then before you know it that was all over the place.

Then Kian texted me.

'I'm sorry' he said

'That's really all you have to say, I knew this was what's gonna happen, that's why I didn't want you to leave, but I guess it doesn't matter so I guess we are done' I said.

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now