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I Walked home with Kian and we went inside to eat breakfest.

i put my waffles in the toaster.

when they were done i put them on a plate buttered them then ripped open and put syrup on them.

''interesting way to eat!'' Kian said and i nodded

''i know'' i answered

after i finished Kian picked me up and broght me outside to the pool and threw me in.

''Kian im in pajamas!'' i yelled

''i know, rise and shine''' he said juming into the pool


"I swear sometimes, I could kill you" I said jumping out of the pool.

"No" Kian said an pulled me back in.

"Kian that hurts!" I said laughing

"I know!" he said with the biggest smile.

Then I push Kian underwater.

"NOO-" he started then went under.

He plopped back up and I laughed.

(Haha, plopped funny word, okay I'm sorry)

"I love you Heather" Kian said

"I love you to Keen" I said and kissed him.

"Come on, I wanna watch a movie!" I said dragging Kian out of the pool.

"What movie?" he asked.

"Toy Story 3" I said.

I love that movie, hey don't judge me!

"Okay" he said.

"We should probably get you new clothes?" I said.

"Yep, Lego" Kian said and we ran to his house.

"Can't we just watch it here now since we are here!" Kian begged.

"No! I don't have clothes!" I said and he threw a sweat shirt and sweat pants at me.

"Kian don't look I'm changing, alright, I mean it" I said to Kian.

"Okay" he said and looked away.

I quickly changed and jumped on his bed.

"What the fuck! Your messing up my nicely made bed!" Kian said and pushed me off causing my head to his the sharp corner of the nightstand.

I just sat there on the floor and tried not to cry.

"Heather? what happened!" Kian said since he didn't see me.

"When you pushed me, my head hit that" I said pointing to the nightstand corner.

"Oh, im sorry, does it hurt?" he asked.

"Yes kian!" I yelled.

"It's bleeding!" I yelled again.

"Okay let's ahh... Go grab ice or something" he said.

I got up and I felt like id just spun around a million times.

So I fell over.

Kian just looked at me.

Then he come over to pick me up.

"Thanks" I said kissing his cheek.

We walked downstairs and JC and Jay were also watching a movie.

"Hey let me see your cut" Kian said just loud enough for Jay to here.

She ran over.

"Your what!" she yelled.

"I cut my head" I said

"Open... Your gonna need stiches Heather" Kian said.

"How'd this even happen?" JC asked.

"Kian pushed me off the bed" I said looking at him.

"Good one Kian" JC said.


(At hospital)

"Kian, I'm scared, don't leave me, please"

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now