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We sat in the car and I looked out the window.

"Heather?" Kian asked

"What Kian" I said looking at him.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked

I shrugged "I don't really know" I said and then we pulled into the doctors office.

He turned off the car and looked at me.

I got out of the car and so did he.

We walked on the sidewalk and Kian pulled me closer to him and he kissed the top of my head.

We walked in and Jc was sitting there and he looked up.

I sat next to Jc and he looked over at me and his eyes where glossy domes.

What's wrong with her.

"She has a disease... they dont know what it's called" Jc said

I didn't speak I let Jc go on.

"They said she could pull through" He said again.

"No" I whispered to myself.

"She shouldn't be in there" I said getting louder

"She doesn't deserve to be in there! she hasn't ever hurt a single soul in her life and if anything it's been hers, and this is all she gets" I said getting a lot louder.

"Heather calm down" Kian said calming me down

"She's in there, and she's staying in there" Jc said and I hugged him

"Justin Caylen?" a doctor asked and Jc walked up to her.

Then Jc came back and tears where coming out of his eyes one after another.

"She's gotta few days, she's had the disease since we moved in" Jc said

"No" I said hugging Kian.

"No" I said into his shoulder.


(1 hour later)

"You guys need to leave now, Jay was transported to the Hospital down the street" she said

Then I picked up a crying Heather and Sad Jc walked beside me.

"Can you drive Jc?" I asked and he nodded I put Heather in the back seat and I sat in the middle beside her.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do" Heather said.

"Your gonna sleep in my room till she gets better, because your not sleeping in that house alone, I don't feel safe with you there alone" I said

"Nothing's gonna happen to me Kian" she said

"That's what you think" I said and then she rested her head on my shoulder.

Then soon enough we got back.

"Can we just watch Netflix and cuddle?" Heather whispered in my ear and it sent shivers down my spine.

I nodded.

"Jc, she's gonna be home soon, don't worry man, she's strong and you know that, one little disease isn't gonna beat one strong ass girl, trust me" I said to Jc and he sorta smiled and looked down.

"Thanks Kian" Jc said

"Honestly Jc, I've known her my whole fucking life, this girl won't be happy when she's in the hospital, she never really got 'hurt' even if she was, she just wasn't like that" Heather said.

"It's gonna be alright" She said patting Jc's back.


{1 week later}

(Still Kian's POV)

Jc and Heather have been hanging out a lot and I don't really like it.

She rarely talks to me it's just all Jc and now she doesn't sleep with me she sleeps on the couch.

She's starting to go away from me...

"WE WILL BE BACK!" Heather yelled.

Now I will just wait till they get back


"WE ARE BACK" Jc said laughing

"That was so fun" I heard Heather laughing.

I walked down the stairs and Jc said he would be back so I waited for him to pull out of the drive way.

"Heather?" I asked

She ignored me

"Heather! I don't even know what I did because I don't think you can do anything when you get left out and torn apart from someone you love and they don't even talk to you, you know whole hard it is every day to see you asleep on the couch? or leaving with Jc and not me?" I said and she looked at me

"Kian I-" she started

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now