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I've been in my room for a long time and I just sat there, doing nothing, I didn't know what to do.

Then Jay walked into my Room I hid my face into the pillows.

"Why can't it be like it was before" I asked crying

"I don't know" she said coming over to sit by me.

"That kid was my best friend, stupid ass fame got into the way, what if he was the one?" I said

"I don't know, he will be back" Jay said and I shook my head.

"They shouldn't have left" I said


(I'm skipping because otherwise it would be boring)

(Around time boys get home)

"The guys are coming over tonight" Jay said cheerfully.

I ignored it and kept walking

Soon enough they showed up, all expect Kian.

I sat on the stairs and put my head in my hands.

Ricky came over to sit by me.

"Heather, don't worry about it" he said I looked up crying

"How?" I asked crying even more

Then Kian walked in.

He looked right at me.

I was still Crying and Ricky looked over at Kian.

I put my head back into my hands.

Then Ricky took his hand of my back...

Then I felt that one, cold hand, Kian

I didn't look at him.

He didn't say anything he just sat there rubbing my back while I cried.

"What happened to, I love you?" I asked still not looking at him.

"I don't know, but I don't know what happened at digi, neither did the boys, I'm so sorry I don't even know how to explain and I feel like a ass and I feel so bad because you don't deserve this" Kian said.

"I wish this wouldn't have happened" I said.

Kian tried to put up my head.

I refused.

"Kian" I said shaking my head.

I hugged him and cried into his shirt.

Soon he put me on his lap.


then she wrapped her arms around me.

Then she fell asleep.

Everybody else was in the living room watching something on the TV.

I carried Heather over to everyone.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"The walking dead" Jay answered with a smile.


After a bit Heather started shaking and it got worse.

I shook her a bit and she looked at me.

"Can you put me in my bed?" she asked quietly

"Yep" I said and I brought here into her room.

I layed her down and she snuggled right in.

"Thanks Kian" she said smiling


then Kian almost walked out.

"Don't leave me, Again" I said to Kian

He turned around and smiled he walked over to the opposite side of the bed.

He took off his shirt and got under the blankets.

He scooted closer to me and I feel asleep till I heard

"I love you" in a whisper tone.

I smiled and faced his way.

I kissed him and smiled.

Then he kissed me again

"Kian stop" I said laughing.

"Fine" he said making a pouty face.

Then he wrapped his arms around me so our noses where touching and I smiled again.


"Goodnight Jc" I said smiling.

"Goodnight" he said back

Then he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm happy your back" I said

"Me to" he said and then I fell asleep.

It just happened -Kian Lawley with JC Caylen FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now