Chapter 31

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A few weeks have gone by and me and Matt have already moved into our apartment. Also today is my first ultrasound.

Matt drove me to the hospital and when we got there, the doctor was already waiting for me.

"Hello Kourtney. I'm doctor Simonson and I will be your ultrasound doctor for the next nine months." she said shaking my hand.

I smiled and then we went to the hospital room. When she put the gel on my stomach I giggled because of how cold it was which of course made Matt laugh a lot.

"Ok so since you've been pregnant for 4 weeks the baby already looks good and I think next time we will find out the gender." she said rubbing the stick thing around my stomach.

I looked at Matt and saw him looking at the monitor. I bit my lip and smiled at him.

A few moments later, the doctor and Matt cleaned the gel off my stomach and then the doctor printed a picture of the baby and handed it to Matt. I could tell he was holding back tears. I kissed his cheek gently before we left the hospital.

We got in the car and I held the picture in my lap until we got to our apartment.

"I still need to get a few things from my house so I'll be leaving in about ten minutes." Matt told me when we opened the door and set the picture on the counter.

"Ok. Sounds good." I said smiling before pressing my lips against his.

We pulled away when we heard a knock at our front door. I looked at Matt a little scared but he knew how to make me laugh.

"Hello?" he said in a lady voice looking out the peephole. It was a man with a package.

Matt opened the door before I came around the corner and saw the man.

"Is Kourtney Lyza here?" he asked.

Matt turned to look at me and I went to the front door and grabbed the package.

I set it on the counter and opened it. It was a bunch of stuff I had when I was a baby. I saw my toys, my old blanket and a bunch of clothes.

"Hey. I'm gonna go. I'll be back later." Matt said.

"K. Love you." I said pecking his lips gently and him leaving.

When I saw his car pull out of the driveway I grabbed my keys and went to the store. I bought picture frame for the baby picture, a few groceries and bed sheets, comforter, and pillowcases.

I got home just in time before Matt got home. I sat at the table and put the ultrasound picture in the frame and hung it on a nail in mine and Matt's room.

He walked in right after I hung it up.

"You went shopping." Matt said.

"Yea. I also bought stuff for the bed and even bought something for the bedroom." I said before smirking.

He looked at me before going to the room and seeing the picture.

"It's amazing." he said.

"You're amazing." I said.

"Not as amazing as you." he said before pulling me in to kiss him.

"Help me put groceries away." I said.

Me and Matt put groceries away and then watched a little bit of TV. We cuddled for a while and then I felt Matt's lips against my belly.

"The baby is just an egg right now." I said.

"I know. But it's already there. So now I can kiss it." he said before smiling

I smiled before eventually falling asleep.

The Bad Boy (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now