Chapter 16

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Kourtney's POV

Me and Tasia got to the hospital and went to the front desk.

"Hi I'm here for Amanda Lyza." I said.

"She is in room 234 on the third floor."she said with a smile

"Thank you." I said going to the elevator with Tasia.

"Wait." someone said before the elevator closed. It was Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn. Hey." I said hugging her.

"I'm sorry for your mom." she said.

"It's fine. My dad is just an idiot." I said.

The elevator closed and it took forever to get to the third floor.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh my brother works here now and my mom wanted me to visit him since I haven't seen him in about 2 years." she said.

"Cool." I said before smiling.

I totally forgot Tasia was in the elevator so I introduced Tasia and Ashlyn.

When we got to the third floor, me and Tasia said goodbye to Ashlyn and started looking for room 234.

We walked around the entire floor and couldn't find my mom's room.

"Can I help you girls?" someone asked. I turned around and saw a tall brown haired man. Jake, Ashlyn's brother.

"Jake?" I asked.

"Kourtney hey." he said hugging me.

" I haven't seen you in so long."I said.

"Yea. So what can I help you with?" he asked.

"We're looking for room 234. My mom is in there."

"Oh it is down this hall and 3 door on the left." he said.

"Thanks." I said.

"It was nice seeing you again Kourtney." he said smiling.

"Same. Oh your sister is looking for you. She said she is going to the fifth floor." I explained.

"Ok. I'll go find her. Bye" he said.

I waved and me and Tasia went down the hall Jake told us and saw her room.

I knocked on the door and the door opened. It was the doctor.

"Are you two here for Mrs. Lyza?" she asked.

"Yes. She is our mom." I lied.

He opened the door all the way and let us in.

"Is she ok?" Tasia asked.

"She has a broken nose, black eye, and bruised up face." the doctor said.

"When will she be able to get out?" I asked

"She will be able to leave in about two days."he said.

I nodded and then he left the room.

I sat down next to the bed and looked at Tasia.

"I feel like this is my fault." I said.

"Well it's not. I swear."she said setting a hand on my shoulder.

"Well they were fighting about me not seeing Matt anymore. My mom treats Matt as if he is her own son." I said.

"And my dad doesn't like him because he thinks his mom is still the prostitute from high school." I said.

"Kourtney, I swear it's not your fault." she said hugging me.

I smiled and looked at her.

"Thanks for being here Tasia." I said.

"Anything for my new bestie." she said nudging me a little.

Tasia then left to go home but I stayes the night with my mom.

The next day

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Hey Kourtney. You need to wake up. Your mom is awake and is able to leave early."he said.

I looked up and saw Jake.

I nodded and then stretched before seeing my mom standing up smiling at me.

"Hey mom. Are you feeling ok?"I asked before yawning.

"Yeah. Perfectly fine." she said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked a little concerned.

"Your dad was killed last night. He was wrestling with the police officer and thw cop accidentally pulled the trigger and shot him in the head."

"Oh my god." I said.

"Are you ok with this." I asked.

"Im glad he's gone and I'm glad you aren't hurt." she said.

I smiled and hugged her before helping her change and then we left the hospital.

I'm glad my mom is ok.

The Bad Boy (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now