Chapter 24

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Kourtney's POV

"Are you ok?" Tasia asked.

I was over at Tasia's house telling her my side of the story.

"Yea im ok. Im just heart broken." I said.

"To be honest, I think your side of the story is more understandable. Because if Matt didn't cut you off in the middle of your sentences then he would've been able to understand that you and Noah got the waiters' number." she explained.

I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from Matt.

Kourtney please answer your phone. I want to talk with you. I miss you.

After I read the text Matt called. I ignored it and then a few seconds later, I got a voice mail and put it on speaker for me Tasia to listen.

Hey Kourtney its Matt. Please answer. I really miss you. I also really want to talk to you. I love you.

I started crying after I heard it and Tasia pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh honey it's ok." Tasia said in her funny voice making me laugh a little.

Time to come home Kourtney.

I told Tasia I have to go and she walked me to the door. The problem is, we saw Matt at the door.

"Kourtney." Matt said.

I tried walking faster but Matt grabbed my arm. I tried pulling away but his grip was to strong.

"Matt! Let go of her!" Tasia demanded.

He let go of me and then I ran out the door to my car.

I started crying and when I calmed down I drove to my house.

I decided I have had enough of today. So I took a shower and then layed in bed and red a book. A little while later my mom came into my room.

"Kourtney, someone is here for you." she said stuttering a bit.

I walked downstairs slowly and when I got to the door I saw Matt.

"Can we talk outside?" Matt asked.

"Sure." I said shutting the door behind me.

"Kourtney. I fucked up. I should have listened to you and not cut you off in the middle of your sentences. If I just listened then I none of this would've happened. I'm sorry Kourtney." he said.

I didn't know what to say so I just stood there looking like an idiot

"Kourtney?" Matt asked.

"Matt. This isn't your fault. It's mi-" he cut me off.

"No Kourtney. It's my fault because I didn't listen." he said.

I looked down and folded my arms. Then Matt grabbed my hands and intwined our fingers. I pulled my hands away from him and turned away from him.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and then started kissing my neck. Then he turned me around and placed his lips on mine. After about 7 seconds I pulled away.

"Matt. I can't do this. I hurt you and you're taking the blame. I can't let you do that. It's my fault." I said walking towards the door.

"Kourtney wait." Matt said.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Matt." I said before shutting the door and looking out the curtains carefully.

I saw Matt rub his head in frustration and sit down in one of the chairs.

I walked up to my room and walked around. After a while of pacing I looked out my window and saw Matt. He looked at my window and saw me crying which of course was bad timing.

I closed my curtains and sat on my bed. After a little bit I heard a tap at my window. I looked and saw it was Matt.

I opened the window and Matt's lips met mine.

"Matt I already told you that I can't do this." I said pulling away from him.

He looked down before kissing my cheek and started climbing down the ladder.

"Good night Kourtney." he said and then disappeared from my window.

I layed down in bed and tried falling asleep but then my mom bursted through my bedroom door.

"Kourtney. Someone's here for you," she said smiling.

I walked downstairs again and saw someone I haven't seen in almost 3 years.

"Hey Kourtney."

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