Chapter 26

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Kourtney's POV

"Don't do it!" Noah yelled at Jacob.

"Why?" he asked.

"You're gonna hurt yourself." she said.

"Fine show me one last time." Jacob said to me.

I had to show Jacob a cheerleading move because me and Noah did cheerleading when I lived in Nashville.

"What's it called again?" Jacob asked.

"Arial." I said. So I did it and Jacob tried but fell making me and Noah laugh a little too much.

"I remember when you still lived in Nashville you two would always come over to my house and just show off a little. Doing your splits back walkovers and you two were just perfect." Jacob said.

"Were still really flexible and have a lot of our skills still." Noah said and I nodded before sliding into my splits.

I heard my phone go off and saw it was a text from Tasia.

Go on YouTube and search Shawn Mendes Wanted Hunter Hayes Cover now! -Tasia

I went to my laptop and searched it up and searched it up. When I looked in the description I was a little shocked.

Matthew Espinosa told me to do a cover to this song for his girl Kourtney Lyza. So this is for her :)

I watched him sing and then a message at the end was from Matt.

Kourtney if you're watching this. I love you. -Matt

I cried and then told Noah and Jacob I had to go somewhere important. Of course it was a lie and I was going to Matt's house.

When I got to his house I knocked on the door and Matt answered and I immediately pressed my lips against his. It took him a second to realize what was going on and then when he finally realized that we were kissing, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my legs around his waist and placed my hands on his face.

We kissed for a good 5 minutes before he pulled away and asked me a question.

"What made you decided to come back?" he asked.

"I saw the video of Shawn and realized that, I'm in love with you." I said making him smile and kiss me gently again.

"Wake up." he said.

"What?" I asked.

Then he disappeared and I sat up quickly. It was a dream.

"Kourtney. It's time for school. And today is also tryouts for the cheerleading squad." Noah said.

I got ready and put on some stretchy shorts and a tank top and did my makeup simple. (Outfit on instagram)

I drove me and Noah to school and walked through the hallway to get to the gym then I ran into Matt on accident and fell to the ground.

"Oh Kourtney I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded as he helped me get up.

"You look nice." he said.

"Thanks. I'm trying out for the cheerleading squad." I said.

"Really? I'm trying out for the football team." he said happily.

"Nice." I said smiling and then biting my lip.

"It was nice talking to you Kourtney." he said grabbing my hand gently.

I smiled and then looked at the ground.

"Well I need to go to the gym to tryout." I said.

"Ok. Bye Kourtney." he said before kissing my cheek making me blush.

I waved and went to the gym. I put my name on the clipboard and then waited for the tryouts to start. Then they started after a few more people came in.

"Ok girls and a few guys you all signed up to be on this squad. You will do whatever cheer you want/know. We will put the people who made the team outside on the bulletin board after school and if you make it come and talk to me and Stacy." the head cheerleader said.

"Ok first person. Karen Hollis." Stacy said.

Karen did her cheer and then they called other names. When they called my name it felt like my heart stopped.

I went and did my cheer and even added a few tricks. When I looked at Stacy and Emily they looked impressed then I looked by the door and saw Matt smiling.

After tryouts, I went to my locker and grabbed different clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed. When I went back to my locker Matt came up and talked to me.

"I never knew you did cheer or were able to do that." he said.

"Yea." I said blushing.

"Wanna come to my football tryout?" he asked.

"Sure." I said.

"K. I'll see you after school." he said walking away.

I was so nervous to see if I made the team it made school go by slower than usual.

After school I went to the bulletin board and looked at the lineup. I opened my eyes slowly and saw my name was the first on the list. I smiled and then went to talk to Emily and Stacy.

"Hi I'm Kourtney Lyza. I made the team." I said.

"Yes you did. You were he bet one that tried out. That's why we put you on the top of the list." Emily said.

"Ok. So the first practice is tomorrow after school. And the first game at the end of this month. Here is the schedule and you will get your cheerleading outfit tomorrow." Stacy said.

I nodded and then left the gym to watch Matt tryout for the football team amd dang was he good. After he finished he came up to me and asked if I made the team.

"Yes. I made the team!" I yelled and he pulled me in for a hug.

"When do you find out if you made it?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." he said.

I smiled and then we walked to my car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Matt said.

"Bye." I said getting in my car and driving away.

The Bad Boy (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now