Chapter 6

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Kourtney's POV

I was running late to school today becaise I woke up late. I messed up my makeup and couldn't find a perfect outfit for today.

I got to school ten minutes before the bell and I ran inside. I was running to my locker when i saw something I couldn't believe. I saw Matt kissing another girl. I stood there in shock.

Matt pulled away from the girl and looked at me in shock.

I turned away and walked. I shouldn't be jealous. We aren't even dating. So I walked away amd headed to class. I tried ignoring Matt all day but he came to my house after school.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked.

"Yea. Why?" I asked.

"Well because of what happened today. With me and that girl. You looked upset all day." he said.

"Im not upset Matt. I swear." I said before letting out a little laugh.

"Ok?" he said. "Well I don't have anything planned for today so do you maybe want to go to the park?" he asked.

"I thought bad boys don't go to the park." I said a little bit annoyed.

"I meant skate park." he snapped back at me.

"Are your friends gonna be there." I asked quietly.

"Yes." he said after he sighed.

We went to the skate park and saw all his friends. Of course. I stayed a few feet behind Matt because I knew his friends were gonna make fun of me. They always make fun of me at school.

I decided I didn't want to be with Matt and his friends, so I turned away when Matt wasn't looking and I started walking home. Matt didn't see me leave because I ran quickly away from the park.

I walked the rest of the way home and didn't dare look behind me.

"Hey wait up." a familiar voice yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw my friend Ashlyn.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"What's wrong." she asked.

"Nothing. I just don't want to be at the park." I said.

"Oh."she said.

We started walking and then we got to Starbucks.

"Ok I have been meaning to ask you this. Where did you get those clothes?" she asked with a laugh.

"Oh. I got them at the mall." I said.

"Well we need to go because they look p-e-r-f-e-c-t PERFECT." she said which made me laugh.

We were at Starbucks for about 15 minutes when I got a text from my mom.

Dinner is ready. Come home.

"I have to go. Dinner is ready." I said.

"Awe. Ok well lets go to the mall tomorrow." she said.

We hugged and then waved to each other.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you." she replied when we got to my house.

I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed call from Matt. I decided to just get him out of my head and I enjoyed the rest of my night in peace and I relaxed after dinner. I got in the tub and relaxed for about 30 minutes until I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Kourtney. Someone is here for you."

"Who is it." I asked.

"Matthew." she replied.


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