Chapter 22

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Kourtney's POV

I woke up at around 9 and Matt was still asleep. I tried getting up carefully, but I wasn't careful enough.

"Morning." he said.

I just smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yea. Everything is fine." I said.

He smiled and then kissed me gently.

"So I was thinking, after I get back from the movies with my friends we could go swimming." he said.

"That would be lovely." I said lady like making him laugh a little.

I got out of my brother's room and went to my room where Noah was already awake. I went to my closet and grabbed a tank top and shorts.

"Hey the movie starts in 30 minutes. I have to go." he said.

"Ok. Bye love you."

"Love you." he said before pecking my lips and leaving.

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and Noah did the same.

We spent most of the day shopping and then at around 4 we got Starbucks. When we got home we started talking about the wedding and talked to my mom and emailed John who he wanted to invite.

"Hey I'm gonna go hang out with Ashlyn for a little bit. Can you give me a ride?" Noah asked.

I said yes and took her to Ashlyn's house.

When I got home I saw Matt in my driveway.

I got out of my car and ran up and hugged him.

We went up to my room and talked for a little bit.

"So what movie did you go see?" I asked.

"Lucy." he responded.

I nodded and I told Matt I had to go to the bathroom.

While I was in there I added a little bit of my cotton candy lip gloss.

I came out of the bathroom and saw Matt laying down on my bed

I layed down next to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Can I ask you a question?" Matt asked me.

"What?" I said.

"What's this?" he asked holding a piece of paper.

"Last night at the restaurant, there were these waiters that were flirting with me and Noah and then they gave us their num-" he cut me off.

"Did you give him your number?" he asked standing up.

"No. Matt I swear nothing happened. That's why I ask-" he cut me off again by walking out of my room and out of my house.

I ran after him and was able to talk to him before he left.

When he turned around I saw him crying a little.

"Matt. Nothing happened." I said

"I trusted you Kourtney. I guess that was a mistake." he said getting in his car.

I ran into my room slammed the door, and slid down my wall crying. My mom walked in and saw me crying.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked.

I told her the story about me and Matt and then I cried more.

"Oh my poor baby girl." she said pulling me in for a hug and rubbing my back.

"I knew something so stupid was gonna ruin our relationship from the moment we started dating." I said.

"Do you want me to pick Noah up from Ashlyn's?" she asked.

I nodded and then layed down in bed with my computer. I looked at all the pictures of me and Matt in my photo gallery.

I started crying when I looked at the photo of mine and Matt's first kiss in public.

I put my computer down and cried for what felt like forever.

Then out of nowhere Noah and Ashlyn bursted through my bedroom door.

"Kourtney!" they said in sync.

They hugged me for a long time which of course made me cry even more.

"Im so sorry we weren't here for you when it happened." Ashlyn said.

"It's ok." I said sitting up.

Noah wiped away a tear from my cheek and I hugged them both.

"I'm glad I have you two." I said.

We all fell asleep in my bed and then woke up to my mom shaking us.

"Ashlyn, Kourtney, Noah time to get up for school." she said.

We have been on summer break so that's why I haven't been talking about school lately.

We got ready for school and I got in the clothes I used to wear before I met Matt.

We drove to school and immediately I saw Matt and his friends.

We all walked past them as fast as we could and then one of his friends yelled to me.

"Look more like a slut then you did before." Carter yelled.

I held back tears and walked into the school.

As I was walking to class I saw Shawn. I smiled and then walked up to him but he walked past me and high fived Cameron. I just lost a good friend.

After first period I was walking down the hall by myself and Matt's friends were walking towards me. I tried avoiding them but when they walked past me, Nash hit me on purpose. I looked back and saw Matt looking back at me.

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