12 : VKook : Hunters (Part One)

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(requested by Puptasticperson)

taehyung gripped the sides of his belt as they ventured further and further into the dark side of the now abandoned city. they were vampire hunters, himself and jungkook. he walked beside taehyung, grabbing his stakes and other weapons. taehyung walked further down the empty, broken street, the apparent location of a small gang of vampires. they heard a crack in the bushes, taehyung immediately standing back to back with jungkook, his head just topping jungkook's, peering into the darkness and tainted buildings. they saw a flash of white, two vampires running past the windows and broken buildings, them laughing in mockery. one had silvery hair, flowing as if it was water, and the other had hair a deep, ravenous black. red eyes adorned them both, as well as lacking in height. they revealed themselves on either side of the building respectively.

"jimin... yoongi" jungkook muttered, recognising them from the papers, and from other encounters. jimin smiled, his lips red and his skin pale, and waved at the pair, giggling again. yoongi smirked but stayed stone faced none the less. the mortals against the vampires. jimin giggled again, insanity seeping into each hearty laugh. jimin snapped his neck back, yoongi's sideways, and they snapped them back in place just as quick, their eyes black.

"playtime's over" yoongi said in a deep, raspy voice. survivors of the pair often said that yoongi's tranquil voice lured them in, almost like hypnosis. but unfortunately for the vampire duo, the hunters were already taken; by each other.

jimin raced forward, his jaw detaching and him giggling to himself like a fucking maniac. yoongi slinked around the shadows. the pairs had been decided- taehyung verses yoongi, and jungkook verses jimin. jimin pounced at jungkook, the eighteen year old quickly stepping into actions, grabbing the vampire's wrist and pulling it, sliding underneath his attacking mouth and scraping him in the neck with a stake. jimin shrieked as the skin came up red and inflamed. jimin dug his fingernails into jungkook's neck, jungkook throwing his head back and seething in pain as blood drew and the skin tore in such a way it looked like worn denim. taehyung meanwhile was engaged in a battle with yoongi, swatting him away from his wrists and thighs and ditching bombs filled with gases at him, making him cough and stall. yoongi pounced forward from the dust, biting taehyung in the arm, taehyung yelping and planting a stake through yoongi's eye. yoongi detached himself from taehyung, slowly pulling the stake out of his eye. he smiled, slinking back into the shadows, splinters in the inside of his eye.

jimin erratically threw himself at jungkook, hitting anywhere he could. jungkook was covered in cuts, steadily getting angrier and angrier at the vampire. jimin threw himself towards jungkook's neck, which turned to be a bad idea. jungkook grabbed jimin by the neck, holding him there as jimin thrashed, a bit of fear flashing through his eyes. he played it off by giggling, which jungkook didn't take too kindly to. he grabbed a stake with the other hand, and plunged it straight into jimin's heart, jimin shrieking and withering. jungkook proceeded to throw jimin to the ground, and pinned him to the ground with his thighs. he grabbed jimin's head with his large hands, and with a smile he looked at jimin.

"guess i'll have the last laugh, bitch" jungkook said, giving a hearty laugh as he watch jimin's face turn into pleading, his eyebrow's furrowing and his eyes growing large.

"no! no, no, no please! i'll do anything! yoongi!--"

and with that, jungkook snapped jimin's neck, and awful snap scaring both taehyung and yoongi, who's heart stopped (again) as he heard his comrade and lover being killed. jimin's lips fell limp, his eyelids drooping and his eye's clouding over. jungkook dropped the dead body, pulling the stake out in disgust, and looping it back into his belt. yoongi, blinded by rage, darted towards jungkook, shrieking.

"you! you bastard! i'll kill you!" he shrieked, leaping at a unaware jungkook. but taehyung stepped in front of them, yoongi impaling himself on the stake, falling timp and taehyung dropping him. he quickly turned to jungkook, who's heart was currently racing.

"babe? you okay?" taehyung asked. jungkook swallowed, looking taehyung in the eye and nodding. taehyung smiled, planting a kiss on jungkook head and opening up a small leather-bound diary, crossing off 'jimin & yoongi'. it just left the kings, namjoon and seokjin.

"ready to go home?" jungkook asked. taehyung nodded.


(next chap is the smut- im working through the requests <3 please dm me if you've put in a request!)

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