9 : Sope : Christmas

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the ding of the bell at the front of the room resonated throughout the large store, jerking namjoon's head up from the counter. the red-headed figure strolled up to the front desk, namjoon sighing as he began giggling.

"yes, hoseok? what do you want?"

his co-worker, hoseok, giggled at him.

"well, it's christmas soon, isn't it! and you know how we all are allowed to pick one thing from the store.." hoseok said, smiling slyly. namjoon peered at hoseok. he did recall being allowed to pick one thing from the store each christmas.

"go on.."

".. we can all get our gifts, and do an exchange with each other!" hoseok said, namjoon smirking at the excited boy. you see, there were seven co workers at their store: jin, namjoon, hoseok, yoongi, jimin, taehyung and jungkook. and they worked at a sex store. meaning for this particular gift swap, they could choose any toy, any costume, any... anything.

"and when you get the gift, whoever bought it will have to fuck the receiver, using that toy" namjoon added, his gaze growing darker and darker. hoseok laughed, and high-five'd namjoon.

"this is gonna be fun" hoseok giggled to himself.


three of the seven co workers were sitting out the back, laughing and eating.

"you have no idea how many minors try come in here. it's fucking disturbing" yoongi said, jungkook scowling.

"hey! i'm a minor-"

"shut up, jungkook" jimin said, covering jungkook's mouth. "the boss doesn't know"

jungkook frowned and licked jimin's hand, making him remove it from his mouth.

"gross, dude"

"have you seen where we work?- oh, hi hoseok-hyung!" jungkook quickly changed subject as hosoek sat down on a crate, residing himself next to yoongi. he giggled, and sipped his water bottle.

"hoseok? what's so funny?" yoongi asked, as hoseok tried to drink his water, but failed due to the shape of his laughing mouth and inability to close it.

"something me and namjoon-hyung have planned" he said, smirking at the group. he began to tell the boys of their plans, their smirks growing ever more on their ivory skin.

he couldn't wait for christmas day.


christmas day arrived, and the boys couldn't be more excited. they had put equal pieces of paper in a hat, reading "buy" or "no buy". if you got buy, you were going to buy a toy for the exchange.

the seven men made their way down to the basement, full of littering cum stains and toys of illegal co-workers fun. the sat in the middle, in a circle.

"right. jungkook, yoongi and jimin, put your toys in the middle. jungkook, did you buy two like i asked?" hosoek said, jungkook nodding.

"good. now, they've been wrapped, and placed into equal sized boxing, so it'll be fair and square. now, people receiving the gifts, close your eyes as we mix them around" hoseok poke, and taehyung, hoseok, jimin and jin closed their eyes. the swirled around the boxes before opening their eyes.

"jimin. you may go take a present, open it and show us" namjoon said, jimin swallowing and walking up. he grabbed a box and took a seat, before sighing and ripping the packaging. he looked at what it was and blushed furiously.

"tell us what it is, jimin"

jimin closed his eyes and turned around the box, jungkook beginning to blush furiously.

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