What you steal from his/her closet Pt 2.

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A/N: that meme though



His lab coat. You pretended to be all sciency to impress him. You didn't really like the color white, but his lab coat seemed something nice to wear.

"My everything, what are you doing with my lab coat?"

"Oh I'm just trying to impress you."

"But I was already impressed from the moment I met you."


Her leather black pants. They were so comfortable and cute. It made your curves pop out more than usual in which you loved. Natasha stood by the bedroom door, smirking when she saw you staring at yourself in the mirror.

"Well look at you gorgeous."

"Oh hey Nat I hope you don't mind."

"No no I don't mind, I actually love it."

Peter Quill:

You basically steal anything of his because he's annoying . You stole his shirt, his pants, and even some personal things that you thought it was adorable.


"Shut it stranger. If you stopped being annoying then I will consider to give them back to you."


His basketball shorts. You didn't like to wear the women's shorts because they would go up every time you ran. So when you began to wear Pietro's basketball shorts when you would go out to run, you loved them.

"Princessa, where are all of my basketball shorts?"

"They are in the dirty laundry."

"But I was going to wear them!"

"Too bad."


His sweatpants. He didn't mind at all. He understood why you would wear them because he asked Tony why you did it. Tony said that girls do that because they think male clothing is comfortable.

Peter Parker:

His hoodies. They smelled like him. They were comfortable. They were adorable. You couldn't get enough of his hoodies so you kept at least two in your room.

"You're so adorable."

"Awe thank you nerd."


His suit. You wanted to try something new so when you went to the closet you saw his suit. Shuri encouraged you to try it so you did. It was big, the chest part was a bit tight since it wasn't made for boobs.

"How can he breath in this mask."

"I have my ways."

"Oh shit T'Challa! I'm sorry I'll just put it back"

"No no, I'm thinking to make you one and then train you so you can come with me on missions."



His robe. It was big on you. Every time Scott left for a mission you would put it on. It was so comfortable that you could sleep in it all day. Scott came through the door and laughed when he saw you all cuddled up with Cassie as you watched a movie.

"Daddy!!! Come join!"

"Alright peanut I will. And look at you with my robe."

"I know Scotty my bad."

"It's alright cutie."

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