Chapter Three: The Unknown

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Chapter Three: The Unknown

I dusted off the top of the book and looked around to see if had a title or something. I took a closer look at it and realized it was a journal. I lightly flipped through it. Light ink was splattered all over the pages and I knew the journal had been in the planks for a while. I put the plank back in its place and grabbed the journal and put it in my closet. I wasn't much of reader and right now I really wasn't in the mood for,what looked to be an extensive diary reading.

I unlaced my toe shoes and hobbled down the stairs to ice down my swollen foot. Once I made it down stairs I heard the TV going and limped into the living room. There was my mother, sitting on the new couch we bought, with a bucket of cookie dough ice cream and some tissues. I looked towards the screen and I wasn't at all surprised to see 'Gone With the Wind' on the screen. My mother must have watched this movie a million times.

"Hey Lux," She whispered. I don't know why but my mother loves to keep her voice low when she watches movies. I mean that's understandable at the movie theaters,but when your at home you could easily hit pause or rewind. Right?

"Hi,Mom." My foot was starting to burn and I really needed the ice.

"Come sit with me and watch. Your father has gotten tired of this movie years." I smirked a bit as she gestured for me to sit. My father was never one to keep his feelings inside,if he didn't like something or someone he was going to voice his opinion right then and there. I looked towards the screen and saw Scarlett bitching about how much she hated Melanie and how she wanted Ashely to herself.

"So how was school?" She said with her eyes still trained on the screen.

"I'd rather not talk about it. I just want to relax." I put my head back and tried to think of way to get the freezer without looking rude.

"Do you need a drink or something, Mom?" I said naturally. I couldn't have thinking I was up to something, now could I?

"Yeah, some water with two ice cubes." Here we go with the specific demands. I can't wait for her to have the little mongrel so I won't have to deal with that for another eight and a half months. I limped to the kitchen and quickly grabbed an ice pack and applied it to my aching foot. I sighed and relief. I was so lost in my daze that I almost didn't hear my mother shout.

"What's taking so long? I'm dying of thirst." I shook my head and poured her drink with her two little ice and returned to the living room.

"Thank you," She gasped in between. It was quiet for the rest of the first half of the movie. My mother just stared and mouthed the words under her breath. Finally we made it to the intermission and I was ready to retire to my sanctuary.

"Lux," I looked at her.  "I'm sorry about springing this pregnancy you,but it's amazing, just think about it." She said dreamily.

"Sure, Mom" I left the room before she could utter another word. I somehow made back up to me room in record time and flopped lazily on my bed. My closet door was slightly ajar and I thought back to the journal I found. I guess reading can be fundamental with a sprained foot.



Marriage. Mother never said how meaningful a word could be. How could my dear mother never even mention how blissfully happy someone could be from uttering those words? I was married off today to Colonel Daniel Hartsford. My mother cried in the pew as the service ended I was swept off my feet into happy life of wedded bliss. Nothing could shake the happiness I just received from my dear,loving husband.

Husband, I could sit around all day just mumbling the words to myself. I twirled in my nightgown after my husband left to care for some military duties. That was one thing I know won't be helped in our newly consummated union. The army was my husband's main passion and focus. I wish I could say I would love to be a Colonel's wife but, I just wanted Daniel,not the title. But I digress, I wouldn't trade him in for the world.

I could never imagine having a marriage like my sister, Emmeline's. Her husband was a blacksmith that barely had any work these days. He was always out and about at his card games gambling away their money and drinking himself into a stupor. Emmeline was kind to him no matter what, and for some reason still loved him. That was one of the things that were intolerable to me.

I remember growing up envying her,hoping to be as beautiful and as graceful as her. Our mother groomed us to be gentle yet, firm. Graceful,but daring. She came from France in 1842 and was always groomed by her mother to be the perfect woman. She was pushed to be on the arm of any Duke, Lord, Baron and Count that would have her so she could gain some sort of foothold in nobility.

My mother never wanted this life and decided to escape to the free-born country, America. My mother had just given birth to Emmeline when she began to plan our escape. Yet, before she left our father, Count Leon Desjardins impregnated my mother with me. Right after that she left for America. Then a couple of months later I was born. I never grew up unsatisfied and my mother never once lived alone.

My mother had three husbands not counting her current one and each one of them has left us with a substantial amount of money. I grew up with no permanent father figure and with no plans to marry. But my mother,being my mother,set me up with Daniel and I fell in love. I quit my job at the seamstress shop and we made plans to wed. I guess I'm wrapping around to the present. Good Night.Journal.



I stared at the journal entry and back at the date. No way this journal has been sitting in the ground for over 160 years. I guess no body invests in remodeling in this town either.I placed the journal in my end table draw and stared at the ceiling.

I had no idea what I was about to get into.

Okay this is to all my lovely fans and voters of this story. I really hate to choose people specifically for dedications so it is dedicated to all of you who read,comment vote and fan. What do you think so far? Comment, Vote, Fan!

-----Angel ; )

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