Chapter 38

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6 months later.. Francesca is 7 months


I finished making dinner as I felt a little tug on my nightgown. I looked down at the floor as Mell looked up at me sticking his pacifier in and out of his mouth. I picked him up and hoisted him up on my hip.

"Mommy's almost finished son." I mumbled stirring the cheese in the noodles.

I cut off the stove and on Q my phone started ringing. I picked up my phone seeing that it was August, I sighed and pressed accept putting the phone on my ear.


"Wassam ma, whatchu doing?"

"I just finished cooking.."

"Whatcha cook?"

"Baked pork chop, mac&cheese, and string beans." 

"Cool cool.."

I sighed lightly so he couldn't hear me. "Yeah I guess.."

"Well I'a talk to you lata ma."

I hung up the phone as I made me a plate for Mell & I to share going into the living room to eat. I sat him on my lap abs began feeding him some of the macaroni.

After we finished eating I put him to bed and started watching TV by myself until my phone started ringing again.

My eyes lit up once I seen who it was. I quickly pressed accept.

"Hey Jason!!" I semi-yelled not that loud so I wouldn't wake Mell.

"Hey Reginæ what you doing?"

"Bored.. watching TV. What are you doing? I haven't heard from you in about a month or two."

"I know, I'm sorry about the but I have some good news."

"What's up?"

"I'm here in Georgia and I would like you to meet my girlfriend Lana."

I shrieked because I was so excited for him. I'm glad he finally found someone.

"How about tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning.. I just come out here to look at property, I'm thinking about opening up a hotel out here."

"That's good Jay! And gosh this is such little time but I'll send you my address."

We hung up the phone and I checked the time it was only 7:30. I quickly went into my room and changed into a t-shirt and some old jeans. About another 30 minutes later there was a knock on the door. 


"Yeah so she's 7 months pregnant now.."

"Damn! So how's everything between you and August?"

"Well he did say he still loved me but he was really feeling Francesca and he didn't want to mess things up with her.. so still to this day they're still together. And we're still friends." I sighed.

"You'll be fine your a strong girl." I smiled and nodded my head.

"So how'd you guys meet?"

"We met at a family gathering I was having at his hotel girl." His girlfriend  Lana laughed causing me too laugh. I guess that was a bad thing because Mell started crying. I got up from the couch and went to get him.

"Here's Ry'Mell." I held onto his hand as he took his small baby steps.

"Awe he's so cute!" They cooed.

"Say hey Mell." I stuck my hand out and waved so he could watch me wave and he did the same.

"He's adorable." Lana smiled as I helped him up on the couch.



"Baby feel it, she just kicked." Frani smiled as she grabbed my hand and rubbed it her stomach. Yeah I was having a little girl. I was happy but then again I wasn't because I wanted all my kids with Reginæ but I guess things didn't work out that way.

I felt a little tap from the inside of her stomach and smiled.

"Dats her?" She nodded her head.

"Babe we need to start thinking of names.."

I nodded my head as I placed my hand on her butt caressing it.

"Well I do like Marie." I mumbled, of course I had to put something related to my big bruh.

"That's cute.. I picked out Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth Marie Alsina?"

"That's nice."

"Perfect even."

"I love you ma."

"I love you too." 

She rubbed her arms up and down my chest.

"Ya know once next month comes there's no more having sex." I scrunched up my eyebrows because I had forgot the doctor told us that bullshit.

"Well in that case." I smirked climbing on top of her.

Y'all know what happened!! No details


Francesca went to sleep and I was up just thinking to myself. I was thinking about taking things to the next level with her. We've been dating for quite some time now and I think it's about time I wanna put a ring on it. I called my momma to see what she was gone think about it.

"What boy why you calling this late!?"
"Oh you act like you won't een up."

She sighed.. she knew I was right.

"What do you want son?"

"I wanted to ask you how do you feel if I was to propose to Francesca?"

"That's up to you, I'm only yo momma.. you know imma stick by you regardless."

"But do you like her good enough to do dat though?"

"Yeah I mean she's a good girl and we all like her.. but we really want you to marry Reginæ.. buuttt ya know how that goes" she sighed.

It made me laugh a little bit because my family always trying to give me hints about getting back with Næ.

"Aight ma thanks."

"No problem.." I hung up the phone and just sat there.. well I know what's happening next.


I stood at the edge of the hallway as I heard August on the phone with his momma. He's ready to propose to me! I was delighted because I never thought I would ever come this far in life. I'm about to be a mother and a wife.. I know I'm going to end up having August to myself and my daughter and Ry'Mell and that bitch will be out the picture.

I heard him shuffling around so I tip toed back in the bed turning back in the position I was in. Pretty soon I felt the bed dip and August snuggled closer to me.

Feels pretty good.. pretty durn good..

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