Chapter 22

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I was dilated only 3cm and it was hurting like I was already having it. "Okay Ms.Wright Dr.Hylton is on his way now okay. Are you feeling alright?" The nurse asked me. I couldn't even speak at the moment so I just shook my head.

"Well when your dilated 5 centimeters we can give you the epidural. So just hang in there."

"Okay" I mumbled.

I tried to watch the TV but I couldn't focus long enough because I kept getting a sharp pain. "You okay ma?"

I shook my head squeezing my eyes tight. "You'll be fine.. you look beautiful baybeh." As much as I wanted to smile it nothing would appear.

"I'm here Reginæ.. How are you doing?" Dr.Hylton voice rung through the room. "How she doing?"

"I asked her if she felt okay, but she shook her head no so I know she's hurting."

"Okay.. well lemme check here." I heard Dr.Hylton say before he opened up my legs. "Well your ready for epidural time."

I took a deep breath because now I was going to feel relaxed at least a little bit.

He came around and placed a liquid into a needle before he stuck it in my arm. "Feel relaxed a little bit?" I nodded my head.

I felt him pull my legs apart again and checked inside. "Your 6 now.. your dilating pretty fast. I'll be back in about 10 minutes to check again."

He left the room and it was only August and I.

"August?" I mumbled loud enough he could hear me. He looked up at me grabbing my hands.

"I'm scared baby." Tears escaped from my eyes and he quickly wiped them away.

"Don't be scared baybeh, you gone do great. I got you I ain't going no whea." I nodded my head sticking my lips out so he could kiss them.

"I love you August."

"I love you more."

I smiled not wanting to say anything else and the room grew into silence.


10 minutes turned into 20 minutes until Dr.Hylton came back in here. "I'm sorry I have another patient but let's see here."

"Oh my your ready to have this baby, your developed all the way." My eyes grew wide as August stood up to grab my hand pulling his face mask on.

"I'm going to need nurse Paula in room 154!" Dr.Hylton called through the buzzer rushing back over to me. He hiked my bed up a little bit.

"Do you want another pillow?" I shook my head.

"Well let's begin. Ms.Wright when I count down from 20 I want you to give me a nice hard push. Can you do that for me?" I nodded my head looking at August the whole time.

" Push!" I pushed hard as I squeezed August head.

"Come on Ms.Wright! You got this! Just relax."


"He's out!" I heard nurse Paula voice yell followed by Ry'Mells cries. August had cut the ambiblical cord and they took Mell out the room to clean him up.

"Baby we did it!" I sobbed to August.

"You were perfect ma." He smiled at me as he stroked my hair back.

"What time is it?"


"So he came out at 12:45?"

He nodded his head and smiled.

Nurse Paula came back in and handed him straight to me with a pacifier. "Thank you" I mumbled before she left the room.

I looked at him taking in his facial features and he looked more like me than August. But he still had a little bit of features that was his.

"Wanna hold him?"

He nodded his head taking him out my arms.

Ry'Mell Anthony Alsina born January 15th 2015. 6 lbs 3ounces.

I knew starting today our lives were going to change big time. Dr.Hylton had came and told us that visiting time was over so they'll have to come back and visit tomorrow.

Once they came back to take Mell in the infermery I went to sleep with August laid right in both if the sitting chairs.

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