Chapter 11

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I was folding clothes putting them on the shelves when I felt a rush of sickness in my stomach. I ran to the back of the store hoping I would make it to the toilet. I busted through the door letting everything come out. It's been a week since my period been off and I was still having cramps and throwing up non stop. I wiped my mouth off and washed my hands.

I pulled out my phone dialing August number.

"Wassam?" he answered loudly. I could tell he was in the studio because I heard Knucks voice in the back.

"Can you come get me. I think it's time for a doctor." I sighed not really wanting to go because all they gave was bad news to me. I haven't been to a doctors office since God knows how long.

"Alright, I'm on my way" and with that I hung up. I walked out the bathroom and up to my manager Karen. "Sick again?" she mumbled still having her eyes on the clipboard that was in her hands.

I nodded my head. "Go home baby, take sick leave."

"My boyfriend is on his way." I mumbled she nodded her head letting me know she understood.

I went to my locker to grab my things and walked out so it'll be faster for me to get in the car.

My phone vibrated indicating I had a text.

August- Out chea'!

I locked my phone back and headed outside. "Thanks Karen!" I yelled through the store. "No problem darling." was the last thing I heard as I walked outside.

"Wassup?" August greeted once I got inside. I gave him a head nod, to tired to even speak anymore. He pulled off making our way to the doctors office.


"What seems to be the problem Ms. Wright?" the nurse asked taking out a pen from her smock. "I've been having period cramps for 2 weeks now and my period was over a week ago. I also been throwing up, I thought it was a food bug or just because my period was starting." I explained.

She wrote everything down. "If you don't mind me asking, but when's the last time you've had unprotected sex?"

I bit the inside of my mouth trying to think about the last time for August & I.

"Maybe 3 weeks ago at the least." I guessed. She nodded her head writing it down on the clipboard. "Okay Ms.Wright doctor Hylton will be here shortly." she smiled walking out.

I took a long sigh and released it. I really hope I'm not pregnant I just graduated from college I don't have my career started yet and neither does August. My phone vibrated interrupting me from my thoughts.

August- you good? I smiled replying back.
Me- yes! doctor isn't in here yet

I locked my phone back once I heard the locks on the door click open. "Well hello there. I'm Dr.Hylton and I will be your primary care doctor for now on." he smiled wide.

I gave him a smile in return so he could think I was at ease ..which I really wasn't. "Okay Reginæ would you go in this bathroom right there and provide urine in this cup for me?" He placed the cup in my hand; grabbing it from him I walked into the connecting bathroom.

About 20 minutes of trying I finally peed. I washed my hands and walked out seeing the room was empty. I held the cup in my hand waiting on him to return.
"There you are. I'll take that." he grabbed the cup from me "I'm just going to run some test to see if everything is okay." I nodded my head as he walked out.

I decided to lay back on the bed feeling myself grow tired. Getting to comfortable I dozed off.


"Ms.Wright" he shook me lightly. I sat up rubbing my eyes "I'm so sorry." I mumbled feeling embarrassment wash over me. He laughed a little bit "It's alright, your not the first. I didn't mean to take so long." I nodded my head giving him a soft smile.

"Well I have your results and it says that your exactly 2 weeks pregnant." he smiled wide but it quickly faded once he seen my face.

"How? I was just on my period last week."

"That's the thing. It wasn't supposed to come on but it did. It didn't effect the baby though, because it hasn't grown yet. Which is a good thing." he gave me a reassuring smile. But I still couldn't manage to give him one in return.

He cleared his throat. "If you are having thoughts about not keeping it, we have abortion suggestions and adoption once it's born. If you would like to listen to them?" I shook my head. I may not want a child right now but I wouldn't take a innocent child's life that didn't ask to be here and giving it up would be the last thing.

I got up from the examine table. "Thanks doc." I smiled while shaking his hand. "Anytime, here's a few papers you need to sign just clarifying I'm your doctor. And this paper is a list of your doctor appointments coming up. You have another in 3 weeks." I nodded my head taking in the information. I signed the papers and walked out to the waiting area.

"Damn! What they say?" August stood up stretching as we began walking out.

I shook my head "I had a respiratory infection. But they gave me some medicine so I'm fine now." I smiled intertwining our hands together. We got into the car leaving the hospital.

"You need anything? Befo' we go home?" I shook my head.

I still didn't know how to feel about being pregnant. Me having the responsibility of another human being growing inside of me. I didn't want to tell August until his birthday and until I know the sex of it, which is in 3 months. So for now I just have to try my best to cover it up the best I can. A smile formed on my face.

"Whatchu smiling bout?" I looked over at him seeing he had a smirk. "Nothing dad, gosh you always asking questions." He fanned me off putting his attention back on the road.

I really hope we'll be able to take this big responsibility on.

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