Chapter 20

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Daryl's POV

I was walking along the fence line, trying to stay as far away as I could from camp. I couldn't believe what I had said to Sarah earlier, I hated myself for it. I never knew how to handle situations like that and I always found myself saying things I never meant.

I just couldn't believe I had called her what I did. She was far from it. She was smart and beautiful. She had saved me that day at the CDC when nobody else would. When I lost Merle, I never thought I would fine somebody to care about again. Sure Merle was an asshole times, but he was blood.

I knew that I hurt Sarah. I could feel myself hurt her and that was the one thing I never wanted to do. I knew she wouldn't forgive me, and I cared for her. I cared for her more than I cared for anyone ever. She was always embarrassed by her scars, thinking that they made her less beautiful. Little did she know of mine and how many I had.

I started walking back to the camp when I saw Carol and Dale walking with some firewood in there hands. I caught up with them and offered some help. Dale went ahead to go and talk to Andrea.

"So, you and Sarah?" Carol asked. It caught me off guard, I had never been in a situation like this before. I just nodded my head a little.

"I heard you two fighting earlier. She really cares for you, you know. Don't loose her." Carol said as we put down the firewood. I didn't really say anything, not knowing what to say. Carol was like a mother-figure to the group. She was always there, giving advice. We all knew of her past and how she had an abusive husband. If he were still alive I would kick his teeth in. What made it hard was that she lost her daughter, Sophia. We had all just stopped looking I guess. I realized that I needed to start looking for her again, at least giving some hope to Carol.

Carol looked up and her eyes widened. I turned and saw Rick's car speeding down the farm's driveway. I grabbed my crossbow and threw it over my shoulder. Carol and I started jogging to the cars. The car came to a skidding halt and Rick and Glenn hopped out of the car.

I saw Shane get out and run to the back of the truck and open the backseat door. I couldn't see what he had picked up when Rick started walking over to me. It made me nervous when Rick came over. I saw Shane holding something in his arms and when I saw who it was, I became furious.

Shane had picked up an unconscious Sarah in his arms and started walking up to the house with Maggie calling for her father.

I became furious at the thought of her being hurt. Her arms hung from her side at an awkward angle, and her once beautiful brown hair matted to her head with blood. I got in Rick's face, trying to figure out what had happened.

"What happened!" I yelled at him, getting in his face.

"There was an accident with some walkers." Rick said, his hand holding me back. Glenn came walking up and stood behind Rick.

"Its my fault. I was caught up with some walkers and she came to help me. She tripped and fell back, hitting her head and her arm. She saved my life." he said, making me angrier as he spoke.

I wanted to hit him, but Rick held me back. I glared over to Glenn and started for the house. I ran up the steps and saw almost everyone standing around the dining table. There, I saw Sarah sitting up in her chair, eyes wide open.

Sarah's POV

I woke up to my head pounding. I began to open my eyes, feeling myself being carried. I looked up and saw Shane holding me in his arms. I took in my surroundings, realizing that I was in Hershel's house

Shane set me down in a chair in the dining room. I sat up in the chair, blinking my eyes because of the light. Hershel walked in front of me started trying to get my attention.

"How you doing?" he asked me.

"Just a little dizzy..." I winced as the pain in my left arm became to come flooding back. "but my arm is killing me." I said. I looked around the room and saw Maggie and Beth grabbing things.

Hershel got up and looked at the back of my head. "Looks like you bumped the back of your head pretty bad." Hershel said with a little smile trying to make me feel better. He put some liquid onto a bandage and brought it up to the back of my head.

"Ow!" I said, feeling the burning of the liquid on the back of my head. Maggie took Hershel's place at my head, holding the bandage to my head. I looked over with my eyes, trying to see behind Maggie. I caught a glimpse of something familiar. I saw some clear blue eyes, looking down at me in worry.

"Daryl?" I asked. I wanted to reach out and hold him, but the pain in my left arm was so much. Daryl walked over to the other end of the table and watched at a distance.

"Sarah?" Hershel called my name.

"You've dislocated your shoulder. I'm going to have to set it back in place." Hershel's words rang in my ears. Great, how much worse could my day get. I nodded my head and looked over at Daryl. I was a little scared and it was defiantly showing on my face.

Hershel moved over to my arm and placed a hand on my shoulder and the other on my lower arm. The pain from him just touching me was hard to take and I couldn't imagine what would happen later. I looked the other way at Daryl, who had a scared look on his face.

"Alright. 3...2..." and a excruciating pain went through my whole body, but mostly my arm. I screamed, not holding anything back.

I felt like I was going to puke, but nothing happened. I could now feel my arm and there was only a little pain now.

"What happened to 1?" I asked sarcastically, trying to find some humor in the pain. Hershel smiled and nodded to Maggie.

"You head isn't bleeding anymore but take it easy. That goes for that arm as well. Maggie is going to make you a little sling for it." Hershel said, walking away with Maggie. I took a few deep breathes and rested back in my chair. I hadn't heard Daryl walk out the door, only to hear the door slam from behind him.

I was now all alone when I most needed someone. This was the worst feeling in the world, not the pain...but to be alone.

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