Chapter 6

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Daryl's POV

I felt the heat from the explosion from behind the sandbag wall. Why the hell did she push me for? I sat up and heard Rick yelling for us. I shook my head, my ears still ringing a little and slowly stood up.

"Why the hell did you..." I stopped mid-sentence when I saw her body draped over the wall of sandbags, her back badly burnt.
"Rick!" I called over to the RV, running over to Sarah's lifeless body. As slowly as I could, I picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the RV.

"Open the door now!" I screamed. The door swung open and Rick stepped out.

I walked into the RV and laid her down onto her stomach. Lori walked over to her and checked her pulse.

"She's alive." she said and I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Get to your truck. We need to go before any walkers start heading this way from the city." Rick said.

Before I could protest Rick said, "She is safe here, don't worry." I nodded and walked out of the RV and ran to my truck.

We drove for about thirty minutes to get as far from the city as possible. The sound from the explosion would attract walkers from miles out. We had finally stopped when a giant group of cars on the highway blocked us from passing. We were stuck.

I got out of the truck and started walking over to the RV. Everyone had gathered around, trying to figure out what to do next.

"How is she?" I asked, disrupting their discussion.

"She was badly burned. She needs help." Lori replied, crossing her arms.

"Look, this is a goldmine," said Shane. "We might find something in one of these abandoned cars."

"Its a graveyard." said Lori.

"Well, we need the supplies and we need to find spare parts for Dale's RV. Then we will figure out a plan to find Sarah some help." Rick said, taking control of the situation.

I nodded and everyone started rummaging through the cars. We had found some food, water and other supplies, but nothing that would help Sarah. She needed real help and nothing I could give her. Why did she save me back at the CDC? I mean, really? It was so stupid, saving me back there. Nobody had done anything like that for me, nobody cared enough to.

All I could think about was Sarah, until the sound of moans drew my attention. I looked up out of the car I was going through and saw a herd of walkers. There must have been a thousand or even more. I ducked behind a car and grabbed my crossbow. I couldn't yell back to the group without attracting attention to myself. The one thought that hung at the back of my head was, "Where was Sarah?"

Andrea's POV
I was sitting in the RV while everyone went to search for supplies. I sat at a table and was working on the gun my father had given my sister and I for our camping trip. I looked over my shoulder, seeing Sarah lying on the bed in the back of the RV. She saved Daryl and was badly burned. She was a good person, we both had lost our sisters and she saved my life.

I sighed and got back to my gun when I heard moans from outside. I slowly looked up and saw a sea of walkers outside. I ducked down, hoping none of them saw me and crawled over to Sarah. I grabbed a blanket and covered her whole body and threw some pillows over her.

"If you are awake, stay as still as you can!" I whispered to her. I saw that a walker had found its way into the RV and I ran to the bathroom. I held the door close and held my breathe, hoping it wouldn't go after me or Sarah.

I felt the door being pushed and loud moans from outside as the walker tried to get in. I had no way out and no weapon to fight with. I held the door close, using every inch of power I had. Suddenly light started to shine from above me as Dale opened a hatch in the ceiling. He had been taking watch on the roof and must have been hiding there.

He dropped something into the little hole in the roof. I picked up a screwdriver and opened the door, pushing the walker back and stabbing it in the eyes as hard as I could. The walker went limp under me and it fell over, pulling me with it. I landed next to it and pulled away. I was breathing heavy and held the screwdriver in my hand in case I would need it again. I then heard a small scream from outside, the sound of a child.

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