32 - Giving Thanks

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"Hello my beautiful, wonderful, amazing girlfriend who I miss." Grayson said immediately after I picked up his FaceTime call.

"Hi Gray." I giggled staring at how dressy and nice he looks. "Malia and I are leaving soon I'm just waiting for her to come over." I put the last few things into my duffel bag for the weekend and zipped it up, setting it on top of my bed with my keys and wallet.

"I can't wait, I have a few surprises for you." He winked at me making me smile and blush at the same time.

"A few? I don't need anything Grayson."

"Well one I can't really take back so you're gonna have to deal with it, the other is just because I saw it and it made me think of you." I heard him grunt as he rolled off his bed and walk to his bathroom.

"Hey bitch." I heard my door open and watched as Malia walked through the doors with a bag in hand. "Ready?" I stood up and grabbed my bag and the rest of my stuff and we both walked out the door.

"Are you leaving now Em?" Grayson asked, his voice slightly echoing from being in the bathroom.

"Yeah babe we'll be there soon will you stay on FaceTime and entertain us?" I gave him a cheesy smile and he chuckled at me.

"I guess." He complained sarcastically as the two of us left the building and walked to Malia's car.


"Ugh I'm so excited to be home!" Malia said as she grabbed her bag from the backseat of the car as I did the same thing.

"I can't wait for Christmas, then I can actually go home. I feel bad for leaving my mom all alone." We both closed the doors to her car and she started walking towards her house, eager to go inside.

"Alright bitch, I'll see you on Monday, love you." She said as I walked across the street to Grayson's house.

"Love you too." I made my way closer to his house and watched Grayson come jogging outside with only his socks to cover his feet from the cold weather.

"I missed you." He said as he hugged me, slightly lifting me off the ground.

"I missed you too Gray. And I'm so glad to be spending thanksgiving with your family, thank you." We separated from the hug and he brought his hands to my face, kissing me softly, then gradually using more force, almost causing me to melt in his arms.

"You look so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?" I giggled and brought him in to kiss me again, my entire body exploding from passion.

"Okay babe, let's go inside." We let go of each other, but his hand grabbed onto my bag, taking it from my hand and carrying it for me, then leading me to the front door and walking us inside.

"So I said that I had two gifts for you and one of them is in the living room." Grayson whispered to me as he closed the door behind us, making me nervous.

He gently kissed my forehead and walked me into the living room where I saw my mom smiling with Sean and Lisa. "Mom!" I yelled and walked over to her quickly, hugging her tightly, soon finding myself crying from my overwhelmed emotions. "I didn't know you were coming why didn't you tell me?" I hugged her even tighter as she rubbed my back, comforting me with her soft touch.

Player (Grayson Dolan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora